Scoresheet Tournament


Each year the on-line Scoresheet-talk site runs a year end tournament with entries submitted from Scoresheet owners.

78 teams entered the 2011 Tournament which resulted in the first Canadian winner as Jay-Dell Mah's Blood, Sweat and Mirrors of the 22-team SICO League captured the title with a final playoff series victory over Ari Houser's Mo Money, Mo Problems of Al Mossi.

2010 Winner - Jess& Tim Polko, Runnerup - Rob Ragusa
2009 Winner - Danny Breigner, Jr, Runnerup - Doug English
2008 Winner - Danny Breigner, Jr, Runnerup - Jeremey Holley
2007 Winner - Larry Hayes, Runnerup - Andy Cleary
2006 Winner - Todd Melander, Runnerup - Lew Stansby
2005 Winner - Andy Cleary, Runnerup - Rick Brooks
2004 Winner - David Karpis, Runnerup - Chuck Bellinger
2003 Winner - Owen Jones, Runnerup - Mark Dailey
2002 Winner - Dan Young, Runnerup - Peter Byrne
2001 Winner - Jerry Seidenwurm, Runnerup - Evan Shochat
2000 Winner - Theron Skyles, Runnerup - Win Murray
1999 Winner - Gary Johnson, Runnerup - Jim O'Donnell
1998 Winner - David Williams, Runnerup - Bruce Pawlowski