Manitoba Baseball League
Brandon : Archer Jimmy C/1B (also Virden), Babe W.J. OF, Blacklock William OF, Cowan Joe OF, Cox “Chesty” P/OF, Dundas George 1B, Duquette George P, Forbes Bert OF, McAteer John 3B, McCarthy Ed C, McDonald Alex OF, Quigley OF/2B/P, Saunders W.H. 2B (also Virden), Tipton Donald SS
Portage La Prairie : Beattie SS, Berry 2B, Clayton C, Donovan 3B, Gordon OF, Green P/OF, Jones 3B/SS, Lettau/Litteau OF/SS, Lindle 2B, Martin 2B, Metzler 1B/2B, Murane P/OF, Sparling OF, Tucker OF/1B, Williamson OF/P
Virden : Jimmy Archer OF (also Brandon), Brennan 1B, Crew H.A.(“Jersey) C/1B, Dunlop Allan 2B, Hickey Fred P/1B, Keffer OF, Martin OF/2B, McCartney R.(Bob) SS, McKay George OF, Orr Bert P/1B/OF, Reid C, Rowlin OF, Saunders 2B (also Brandon), Wallace 3B
Brandon City Baseball League
Bankers : Fleming P, Grant SS, Kelly Allan OF, Kelly #2 3B, Lee Penny C, McCormick OF, Noble 2B, Steele OF, Temple 1B
Young Men’s Club : Adams 3B, Carrington 2B, Earle SS, Maybee C, McIntosh P, McLean OF, Menzies OF, Pearson 1B, Spitzig OF
Winnipeg City Senior Baseball League
Mets : Brown OF, Buggee P/3B, Dunlop SS/3B, Fess OF, Gilday Eddie OF, Gingras 2B/3B, Hazel "Reddy" C/OF, Kerr 3B, Lambert C/OF/SS, Poulter 2B/1B, Sears SS, Snider OF, Weatherstone 1B/OF, West P/3B
Ninetieth : Glasgow Jimmy OF, Glasgow W.G.(Billy) SS, Hallock B. P, Harkness Billy C, McIntosh OF, Taylor 3B, Tinney Frank 1B, Tinney Fred 2B, Thompson OF, Wardell SS, Webb OF, Youhill OF
Unions : Cail Eddie P, Currie 3B, Holden Barney C, Jacobs E. SS/OF, Johnston OF, McArthur OF, McKinstry 2B, Nicholson SS, Rumohr Jack 1B, Skelly OF, Wilkinson Joe 3B/OF
Y.M.C.A. : Allan OF, Balfour 1B, Bell Norm OF, Burgess OF/2B, Chapman 3B, Field P, Hamilton C, Hunt OF, Murdoff 3B, Robb 2B, Ryan SS/OF, Tait 3B/P
District of Alberta, N. W. T. teams
Beaumont : Bonnie OF, Busterash SS, Cody C, Demers #1 2B, Demers #2 OF, Labrie OF, LeBlanc 3B, Roberge #1 P, Roberge #2 1B
Calgary : Atkinson C, Bailey 1B, Branstom, Burnett 1B, Cassidy OF, Eccleston OF, Esch 3B, Farreli P, Fidler Alf 1B, Fisher OF, Hillier J. SS, Hood OF, Mallison 3B, McCreary C, McLean P, Mills 2B, Morton OF, Peacock 3B/2B, Phillips P, Sampson C, Tarrant Fred OF, Tarrant Tom SS
Edmonton : Atkinson C, Ball #1 C, Ball W.(Billy) SS, Birk OF, Bowers OF, Chapman OF, Gilmour/Gilmore OF, Hamilton 1B, Inglis Tim 3B, Magirl 2B, Samis P, Till Doc P/OF
Fort Saskatchewan : Atkinson Harry C, Blain OF, Carscadden OF, Constantine OF, Cranston OF, Kimball SS, McAvoy G.H. MGR, Setter/Sutter OF, Steeves/Steves Wylie P, Sword 2B, Symonds/Simons D. 1B, Symonds/Simons Stafford 3B
Leduc : Birk OF, Bush A. 1B, Bush B. OF, Elliott SS, Hardy 3B, Kirkpatrick P, Kline 2B, Lavonture OF, Price C
Macleod : Hamilton 2B, Moffatt OF, Nevin OF, Ricer 3B, Roberts P, Ross OF, Sylvester 1B, Torrie SS, Whitney HerbC
Olds : Able SS, Davis C. 2B, Davis L. OF, Dodd C, Kennedy Bill P, McCutcheon 3B, Samis A. 1B, Samis H. OF, Walkley OF
Red Deer : Butterfield P/3B, Cook 2B, Edington C/SS, Farreli/Farreli P, Gilbert OF, Hillhouse P/C/SS, Losse C, Minkler Lew OF/1B, Natchet 3B/OF, Rousmore 1B, Sampson C, Wetherby OF
Strathcona : Blainr R. OF, Earle P, Greenway 3B, Hewitt OF, Jackson 1B, Neeland OF, Stearns #1 2B, Stearns #2 SS, Teasdale C
Wetaskiwin : Billington H. 2B, Breen T. OF, Goshen P, Nelson F. SS, Pittman E. OF, Pittman W.(Billy) P/C, Price R. C, Richards J. 1B, Rodell A. 3B, Spencer T. OF
Calgary City Baseball League
Bankers : Allison 1B, Atkinson 2B, Barnes OF, Carnahan/Karnahan OF/3B, Dixon 3B, Helliwell SS, Jackson OF, Johnson 1B/3B, Lindsay OF, MacKid Stewart P, Oakes OF, Phillips Billy P, Stewart C
City : Allison, Bates 1B, Bishop SS, Davey Charlie C, Gillespie OF, Hood, Johnson OF, McCarthy 3B, McLean “Horse” P, Peacock, Rouleau OF, Smith 2B, Stoper
C. P. R. : Archibald 2B/OF, Cardell Harry OF/SS, Cardell M. 3B, Fidler Alf 1B, Hillier George SS/P, Mallison 3B, Martin OF, McPhail OF, McSweney OF, Orr P/OF, Plute 2B, Sampson C
Fire Brigade : Bishop 3B, Burnett 1B/C, Buscome Jack OF, Cassidy OF, Ducharme 2B, Hardy P, Hillier J. SS, Lucy Dan OF, Tarrant Fred 3B, Tarrant Tom C
District of Saskatchewan, North West Territories
Prince Albert baseball team (1903 champions of Saskatchewan District, N.W.T.) : Arnold A., Buchanan J. MGR, Gram T., Horton K., McLeod J., McLeod W., Meyers W., Moore Ray, Pierce W., Robertson R., Wilson John
District of Assiniboia, North West Territories
Moose Jaw : Alexander W., Baxter William, Coffs P, Currie/Curry J., Shand Percy, Simington Walter C, Simington William, Ward D.
Local Moose Jaw teams
Clerks #1 : Baxter William 3B, Bellamy C, Bowyer, Carter, Clarke W.C., Elsom, Hembroff, Perry, Simington E. P
Clerks #2 : McIntyre P, Motherwell P
Climax : Bullivant, Caswell, Currie C, Ellis, Hagen P, Penfold, Robinson, Rourke, Seaborn
Buffalo Lake : Franks C, McCartney Bob P
Maple Creek : Bennett/Burnett A. P, Brown E., Callaghan Tom 1B, Downing E. OF, Fleming G., Glanville J., Irving/Irwin J., Irving/Irwin R., Patterson 3B, Regan W. C, Ross
Medicine Hat : Alexander, Binning OF, Cuddy, Gilroy Fred OF, Henry P, Krauss, Pingle SS, Shand Percy C, Tweed Harry 3B
Ellensburg WA : Brophy, Denzer Billy P, Edwards, Lewis P, Scharnweber 2B
Everett WA : Buchel P, Donovan SS, Kane 3B, Lindberg 2B, Lent OF, Lougheed 1B, Pringle C, Schock P, Williams K. OF, Williams “Sky” OF
Mount Vernon, WA : Brinker P, Clements OF, Ford C. OF, Ford E. 2B, James 1B, Mahon OF, McGuckin P, Rochon Andy SS/P, Rochon W. 3B, Spencer C
Multinomah (Portland) OR : Cook OF/P, Crawford 2B, Fenton SS, Gearin H. P/OF, Gearin W. OF, Hart OF, Murphy 3B, Oliver 1B, Scott C, Whitehouse
Nanaimo :
Seattle WA : Boyle OF, Duggan OF/SS, Fox 2B, Hardin OF, Holbrook C, Holmes 1B, McIntyre OF, Praeger SS, Reuschel P, Vinning 3B
Sedro-Woolley WA : Brockhoff 2B, Brophy OF, Daviscourt 1B, Irby OF, Lewis OF/P, Speidel SS, Talkington 3B, Taylor P/OF, Wilkins C
Vancouver : Adams C, Aitkins C, Ashman 2B, Ballantyne Tom C/2B/SS, Ballestero P/1B/3B, Broadhurst George OF, Brown Billy C/1B, Clifford C, Cohn Leslie MGR (replaced Holmes), Croll SS, Donahue OF, Forrest Frank P, Gregory Walter P/OF, Holmes Billy MGR, Law Frank P/2B, Linnahan OF, Lutman P, McRae “Sandy” 2B/OF, Miller B. SS, Miller Walter 1B, Richards OF, Schmidt 3B/SS, Spencer C, Stovall 3B
Victoria : Blackburn P/OF, Burnes George SS/OF, Camsusa P, Chase Hal 3B/P/C/OF/1B, Emerson Elmer P/3B, Goward Giddy OF, Haynes Doc 2B, Holness Jimmy P, McConnell Fred SS, McIllmoyle OF, Moore Frank OF, Potts OF, Rithet 3B, Schwengers Bernie 1B, Smith Jack OF/C, Whalen 1B/C
Whatcom WA : Clark C, Dineen OF, Galaski Joe P, Geneen OF, Harkness OF, Janca/Janka 3B, Kennedy 1B, Mackey/MacKay SS, Oleson P/OF/1B, Spencer 2B, Taylor OF
Vancouver City Amateur League
Athletics : Flood P, Marpole OF, McLeod C/1B (also Mount Pleasant), Miller W. P/3B/OF, Murray #1 1B, Murray R. OF, Neilson F. OF, O’Brien P, Pero Ed 2B, Russell OF, Tulk Tommy SS, Watson Jack C, Yeandle Fred 3B
Little Potatoes : Donahue C. C, Duncanson SS, Ellis C. OF, Frank/Franks L. 2B/3B, Gibson OF, Griffith E. OF, Hanifin L. OF, Johnston P, Langdale A. OF, McConaghy C, Miller A. C, Miller W. P/2B, Morissette W. 3B/C (also Mount Pleasant), Sutherland M. 1B
Machinists : Howard P, Quinn C
Mount Pleasant : McLeod C (also Athletics), Morissette W. C (also Little Potatoes), Murray F. P
West End Elks : Graham P, Hamilton C, Stannard P
New Westminster : Barbaree OF, Bilodeau OF, Briggs 3B/P, Lewis SS, Malcolmson Sid C, Richards 2B, Ryall OF, Sinclair 1B, Stillwell OF/C, Turner Alf P
Nelson : Allan SS, Bishop OF, Eacritt 2B/OF, Giegerich OF, Houston 3B/SS, Mallett OF, McCreary C, McIntyre SS/1B, Mills D. “Dad” OF/2B, Mills W. “Billy” P, Murphy 1B, Neelands 3B, Watson P, Whittett 1B/C
Rossland : Costello P, Felion 3B, Gibson SS, Harris OF, Holland C, Leighton OF, Sheer OF, Shelton 1B, Vaughan 2B
Northport, WA : Biglow OF/2B, Bruner P/3B/OF, Buckley 2B/SS, Lindsay OF, Neuman OF/2B, Nudell 3B/P, Phillips C, Taylor OF, Travis H. SS/2B, Travis R. 1B, Wilson P