Statistics, 1920       


Nelson "Chicken" Hawks of the Calgary Bronchos edged Winnipeg's Jack Sheehan for the batting crown of the Western Canada Baseball League of 1920. Hawks, who also led the circuit in hits, total bases and stolen bases, finished with a .359 average just ahead of Sheehan's .354. Walter Christensen of Calgary was third, at .347, ahead of Saskatoon playing manager Bill Speas, at .339.  Ernest "Tex" Vache of Regina was tied for fifth, batting .335, and topped the league in runs batted in, with 80.  Christensen scored the most runs, 104.

Calgary also took the pitching honours as Charles Sweeney registered the most wins, 19, tied with Edmonton's George Valentine for the most appearances, 35, and led in strikeouts, with 159.  Albert Zweifel of Regina had the best won-lost percentage, .824, based on his 14 victories in 17 decisions.

AVE : Hawks CG - .359 
Runs : W. Christensen CG - 104 
Hits : Hawks CG - 161 
Total Bases : Hawks CG - 226 
RBI : Vache RG - 80 
Stolen Bases : Hawks CG - 40

Hawks Nelson (Chicken) CG      112 449  96 161 226              40  58  .359
Sheehan Jack WM                 99 342  52 121 143              34  50  .354
Steengrafe Milt CG              37  95  13  33  41               0  13  .347
Christensen Walter CG          112 440 104 152 193              26  55  .345
Speas Bill  RG                 101 395  84 134 179              21  57  .339
Vache Ernest (Tex) RG           94 346  53 116 165              16  80  .335
Wirts Elwood (Kettle) CG        93 322  61 108 153              10  48  .335
Hauger Art MJ                  104 416  78 138 176              30  70  .332
Marshall Robert MJ             111 405  77 132 206              13  66  .326
Leifer Elmer MJ                100 399  73 130 177              10  57  .326
Williams Denny MJ              117 491  87 158 188              14  50  .322
Forsythe Cy ED                  53 180  28  57  75               5  29  .317
Dumovich Nick ED                38 103  14  32  38               0  11  .311
Kelliher Mickey RG             101 399  64 120 166              20  57  .301
Walters Karl (Junk) MJ         117 455  55 136 188              17  63  .299
Schaack Edward WM               52 150  11  44  80               0  22  .293
Mellilo Oscar (Ski) WM         105 382  60 111 163              15  39  .291
Williams Cy SK                  69 220  29  63  71               9  29  .286
Fuhrman Ollie RG                65 228  26  65  77               4  29  .285
Poelman  WM                     54 200  26  57  78              10  31  .285
Manda Carl CG                  106 384  78 109 147              22  41  .284
Gleichmann Gustave ED           97 382  53 108 150              19  38  .283
Kernan Joseph SK               117 458  76 129 179              19  37  .282
Hamilton Billy CG               65 288  55  71  95              13  18  .278  (a)
Gill Andrew SK                  40 152  11  42  50               7  12  .276
Meisner  SK                    119 424  61 116 166              18  42  .274
O'Neill William WM              84 294  55  80 110              16  28  .272
Christensen Harvey CG          102 414  86 112 147              27  26  .271
Burke Eamonn (Speck) RG        102 365  49  99 119              14  48  .271
Olson Arthur SK                117 415  36 112 144               8  48  .270
Machold Adolph MJ               44 130  18  35  59               0  10  .269
Andrews Ray ED                  83 333  39  89  99              21  16  .267
Gregor Hal WM                   75 271  28  72 102               8  43  .266
Murphy James SK                 66 240  24  64  75               7  17  .266  (a)
Nelson Hal SK                  102 368  40  97 112              21  30  .264
Bliss Art SK                    12  38   6  10  10               0   3  .263
Starky John ED                  53 199  19  52  63              10  25  .261
Ritchie Pete ED                104 379  40  99 133              15  49  .261
Corrigan  MJ                    58 196  29  51  67               0  15  .260
Ritter Art RG                  106 409  76 106 134              22  34  .259
Kilhullen Pat CG                98 359  46  93 115              14  40  .259
Tobin Joe CG                   110 391  56 101 154              12  66  .258
Smith Marvin (Red) RG          106 444  69 112 144              14  35  .252
Bender John RG                  99 328  69  82 112              17  51  .250
Stokke Gilbert ED               95 321  33  79  94               9  42  .246
Whaling Bert RG                 65 205  32  50  59               7  29  .244
Shaw (Hunky) ED                 82 300  36  72  88              24  24  .240
Morrison Eugene WM             103 379  67  91 129              21  33  .240
Lamarra Anthony MJ             109 387  46  92 113              14  31  .238
Seiffert Leo WM                 62 196  29  46  59               5  13  .235
Bonner Al  ED                   34  81   9  19  30               0  12  .235
Wolgamot Earl ED                72 247  24  58  73              12  17  .235
Wright  SK                      72 259  24  60  70               7  22  .232
Miller Ralph RG                 20  52   3  12  13               1   3  .230  (a)
Griffith William MJ            115 337  79 103 136              17  24  .230  (a)
Johnson O. MJ                   27 179  18  40  51               6  15  .227  (a)
Williams Nick MJ                52 162  18  36  44               4  17  .222
Cline Edward CG                 25  68   9  15  18               0   6  .221
Webb Emery MJ                   21  60   9  13  14               0   6  .216  (a)
Swartz George MJ                31  88   9  19  26               5   5  .216
Bachant Louis SK                86 279  20  60  84               5  29  .215
Gibson George MJ                14  42   3   9   9               0   6  .214
Zweifel Albert RG               26  89  11  19  30               0   5  .213
Evans Evan (Rube) RG            34  94  12  20  27               0  10  .213
Mack Frank (Stubby) CG          32  81  13  17  44               0  10  .210
Standridge Pete ED              51 131  16  27  40               0  11  .207  (a)
Loewe Ruddy SK                  94 349  29  72  87               8  17  .206
Smallwood  ED                   95 311  41  64  81              13  13  .206
Raleigh  WM                     93 329  23  67  86              11  30  .204
Roman Paul SK                   25  65   4  13  24               0   5  .200
Dallas A. (Porky) MJ            76 265  19  53  58               5  14  .200
Reppy Gay ED                    47 127   9  25  29               4  13  .199  (a)
Valentine George ED             37  87  17  17  19               0   5  .195
Beer Sam SK                     35  94   7  18  19               0   4  .191
Henion Lafayette WM             25  79   6  15  17               1   4  .190
Libke Fred ED                   15  37   3   7   7               0   1  .189
Benton Harry WM                 14  32   3   6   9               0   3  .188
Dixon J.A. WM                   95 317  27  59  71               7  25  .186
Morrison Harry MJ               30  83   7  15  13               0   8  .181
Dailey Joe RG                   31  79   5  14  15               9   7  .177
Thollander Ernest CG            29  86   8  15  19               0   5  .174
Madura Jake WM                  50 162  19  28  35               4   5  .173
Sweeney/Swaney Charles CG       34  83   6  14  16               0   6  .169
Kaufmann Tony WM                29  78   5  13  17               0   5  .167
Pillette Herman RG              29  86   5  14  17               0   7  .163
Gervais (Lefty) WM              14  44   2   7  11               0   4  .159
Grimes Roy SK                   11  31   1   4   4               0   0  .129
Brant Grover ED                 25  56   4   7   8               1   0  .125
Watson Charles (Doc) SK         25  65   4   6   7               3   2  .092
Lesher William MJ               19  30   3   2   2               0   1  .067
(a) Eight players had published averages at variance from the marks compiled from
the at bats and hits published - Hamilton, Murphy, Miller, Griffith, Johnson,
Webb, Standridge and Reppy.
Source : Reach Official American League Guide 1921

Games : Sweeney CG & Valentine ED - 35 
Wins : Sweeney CG - 19 
Won-Lost PCT - Zweifel, 14-3 - .824 
Strikeouts : Sweeney CG - 159 
ERA : Evans RG - 1.42 
Leifer Elmer MJ                  8         5  1  .833              15  13  21          1.87
Zweifel Albert RG               20        14  3  .824              31  52  75          1.55
Benton Harry WM                  8         6  2  .750              20  32  37          2.50
Cline Edward CG                 22        12  4  .750              48  78  64          2.18
Steengrafe Milt CG              25        12  4  .750              66  65  85          2.64
Bartliff  WM                     9         5  2  .714               9  23  18          1.00
Dailey Joe RG                   30        15  7  .682              58 101 136          1.93
Seiffert Leo WM                 24        14  7  .667              49  55  51          2.04
Lesher William MJ                9         4  2  .667              19  28  43          2.11
Sweeney/Swaney Charles CG       35        19 11  .633              63  58 159          1.80
Pillette Herman RG              26        14  9  .609              56  82 146          2.15
Miller Ralph RG                 20         9  6  .600              40  38  54          2.00
Mack Frank (Stubby) CG          31        16 11  .593              79 101 121          2.55
Swartz Geroge MJ                29        13  9  .591              49  95 158          1.68
Evans Evan (Rube) RG            24        10  7  .588              34  35  83          1.42
Webb Emery MJ                   22         9  7  .563              72  63  99          3.27
Schaack Edward WM               29        13 12  .520              76  58  84          2.62
Williams Cy SK                  29        13 13  .500              78  68 118          2.69
Standridge Pete ED               7         3  3  .500              15   7  14          2.14
Brown  ED                        5         1  1  .500              11   8  11          2.20
Morrison Harry MJ               29        12 13  .480              72  50 108          2.48
Thollander Ernest CG            28        10 11  .476              79  78 107          2.84
Machold Adolph MJ               28        10 11  .476              82  83 111          2.93
Beer Sam SK                     31        10 12  .455              71  48 114          2.29
Roman Paul SK                   25         9 11  .450              61 110  61          2.44
Valentine George ED             35        10 15  .400              79  82  66          2.26
Brant Grover ED                 25         7 12  .368              50  92 102          2.00
Dumovich Nick ED                23         7 13  .350              54  30  55          2.35
Libke Fred ED                   14         4  8  .333              29  44  20          2.07
Gibson George MJ                13         4  8  .333              45  32  43          3.45
Kaufmann Tony WM                21         5 13  .278              82  50  57          3.90
Bonner Al ED                    23         5 14  .263              62  36  67          2.70
Henion Lafayette WM             12         3  9  .250              35  26  54          2.92
Gervais (Lefty) WM               9         2  7  .222              32  21  13          3.55
Grimes Roy SK                   11         2  7  .222              43  33  24          3.91
Reppy Gay ED                    19         3 12  .200              68  61  50          3.58
Watson Charles (Doc) SK         22         4 17  .190              53  51  60          2.41
Sources : The Reach Official American League Guide 1921

CG=Calgary Bronchos, ED=Edmonton Eskimos, MJ=Moose Jaw Robin Hoods, RG=Regina Senators, 
SK=Saskatoon Quakers, WM-Winnipeg Maroons


Neil Silver of the Missions captured the batting crown in the 1920 Vancouver Commercial League. Silver with 31 hits in 81 at bats finished with a .383 mark (it was shown as .370 in the paper but those same at bats and hits). Hec Cann of the Nabobs had a higher average, .389, but played in less than half the games. Hazen Phillips of the Nabobs had the most runs, 24, and Sid Elmer of Arnold & Quigley was tops in thefts, with 14.

AVE : Silver VCM - .383 R
UNS : Phillips VKD - 24 H
ITS : Silver VCM - 31
SB : Elmer VAQ - 14
Cann Hec VKD                    10  36   8  14                   4      .389
Clarke Casey VCM                 9  34   5  13                   3      .382
Robinson Beaner VKD              4   8   0   3                   0      .375
Silver Neil VCM                 22  81  10  31                   3      .383  (1)
Macfarlane Mickey VAQ            8  26  10   9                   4      .346
Hart Leo VKD                    14  55  15  19                   6      .345
Tatman Paul VAQ                 15  56  18  19                   8      .339
Paepke Ernie VAQ                20  62  12  21                  11      .339
Squair  VAQ                      1   3   0   1                   1      .333
Elmer Sid VAQ                   14  55  16  18                  14      .327
Stevenson  VAQ                  13  40   8  13                   7      .325
Wilson Harry VKD                22  89  21  29                   9      .326
Delcourt Camille VCM            19  53  15  17                  10      .321
Holt Cecil VKD                  23  85  17  26                   8      .306
Foley Lorne VAQ                 20  83  16  25                   7      .301
Jolliffe Ernie VAQ              16  53  13  16                  10      .302
Buchanan  VCL                    4  10   1   3                   1      .300
Stewart Babe VKD                15  41  14  12                  10      .293
Clayton Ralph VCM               20  66  15  19                   4      .288
Phillips Hazen VKD              22  89  24  24                   9      .270
Woods Ernie VAQ                 22  82   9  22                  10      .268
Bell N.   VCM                   21  69  15  18                   7      .261
Ralston Jimmie VKD              13  55   8  14                   9      .255
Carruthers Ernie VCL             9  28   3   7                   1      .250
Finch Charlie VCL                7  24   5   6                   2      .250
Macken Kenny VCL                22  69  19  17                  10      .246
Jardine Blair VCL               12  42   8  10                   9      .238
Falconer  VCM                   23  90  14  21                   5      .233
Sollaway Ralph VKD              16  66  11  15                   4      .227
Giguere Bill VCL                13  44   9  10                   6      .227
Wintemute Johnny VAQ            15  49   6  11                   1      .224
Moran  VAQ                      15  55   6  12                   7      .218
Richardson Harry VCM            22  74  13  16                   5      .216
Stewart Cam VKD                 21  73  15  15                  14      .205
Sager Frank VCM                 22  64   6  13                   5      .203
Kent Toby VCM                   10  40   8   8                   5      .200
Shaver  VCM                     17  60  11  12                   7      .200
Whyte Syd VAQ                   13  46   5   9                   4      .196
Blockberger  VKD                12  31   7   6                   2      .194
Manson  VAQ                     20  69  14  13                   4      .188
McGregor  VCL                   11  32   5   6                   6      .188
Larson Tat VAQ                  17  57   5  10                   0      .175
Pringle Johnny VCL              19  69   4  12                   1      .174
Brand Bill VCL                   9  29   2   5                   0      .172
Proctor  VCL                     4  18   2   3                   3      .167
McIvor  VKD                      3   6   1   1                   0      .167
Eckhart Dutch VAQ                4  12   0   2                   1      .167
Andrews Jack VCL                15  55   7   9                   2      .164
Manson  VCM                     10  36   4   6                   1      .167
Jardine Tommy VCL               21  68  11  11                   6      .162
Bruce Willard VKD               11  35   2   5                   1      .143
McDonald  VCL                    2   7   0   1                   0      .143
Watters Jimmy VCM                7  22   2   3                   3      .136
Robertson Lefty VAQ              5  10   0   1                   0      .100
Freshfield Dean VCM             16  46   3   4                   3      .087
Lowery Lorne VKD                 5  12   0   1                   0      .083
Corbett Norm VKD                 4  13   0   1                   0      .077
Evans Charlie VKD               14  39   3   2                   1      .051
Reid  VCL                        1   5   0   0                   0      .000
McPhee  VCM                      2   4   1   0                   4      .000
Palmer Charlie VKD               2   3   0   0                   0      .000
Mathieson  VKD                   1   1   0   0                   0      .000
Duckworth  VCL                   2   8   0   0                   0      .000
(1) Silver's published AVE was .370, but H/AB = .383
VCL=Centrals, VKD=Nabobs, VAQ=Arnold&Quigley, VCM=Missions

Source : Vancouver Daily World, August 9, 1920



Ab Mortimer, the all-around star of the I.L.A. championship nine, copped the batting title for the 1920 Vancouver City League hitting at a .400 clip in 15 games. Mortimer's total included two triples and a pair of home run, tied with two others for the most in the league. Bariki Kashahara of the Asahi was the runner-up with a .390 mark and Jimmy Duncan of the C.P.R. a close third, at .388.

AVE : Mortimer VLS - .400 
RUNS : Brown VLS - 24
HITS : Duncan CPV - 26
SB : Matoba VAS - 24
King CPV                         2   7   3   4   7           0   1      .571
Sommerville VLS                  6  23  11  10  15           0   5      .435
Mortimer Ab VLS                 15  45  11  18  22           2   3      .400
Pratt VLS                        5  15   4   6   9           0   4      .400
Kasahara Bariki VAS             15  41   6  16  23           1   6      .390
Duncan Jimmy CPV                21  67  21  26  40           1  10      .388
Downey VLS                       8  29  11  11  16           0   4      .379
Matoba Tom VAS                  19  61  18  23  35           1  24      .377
Cross H. SSV                    12  40  12  15  20           1   9      .375
Wilson VLS                       3   8   4   3   5           0   0      .375
Stevens CPV                      8  17   8   6   8           0   0      .353
Abrams H. CPV CPV               13  39   8  13  22           2   1      .333  (1)
Inglis CPV                       1   3   1   1   1           0   0      .333
McLaughlin SSV                   1   3   1   1   1           0   0      .333
Ito George VAS                  19  54  12  18  11           0   8      .333
Masi C. VLS                      1   3   1   1   2           0   0      .333
Worley Pat CPV                  21  73  22  24  33           0   5      .329
Nahu Jumbo VLS                  22  68  15  22  31           0   9      .324
Harris S. VLS                   17  56  12  18  28           0   5      .321
Porter SSV                      23  75  19  24  32           0   8      .320
Stedham CPV                     15  42   9  13  13           0   7      .310
Roe CPV                         12  39  13  12  19           0   7      .308
Brown Joe VLS                   20  69  24  21  39           2  17      .304
Bradbury CPV                    21  64  16  19  24           0   3      .297
Warren I. VLS                    9  24  12   7   9           0   4      .292
Stickney CPV                     3   7   0   2   4           0   0      .286
Aserlind SSV                     7  14   5   4   5           0   5      .286
Gillies SSV                     25  85  17  24  37           0   8      .282  (2)
Fox H. VLS                       9  33  10   9  11           0   4      .273
Furomoto Ted VAS                18  48   9  13  16           0   5      .271
McKillop SSV                     9  27   3   7  11           0   1      .259
Grimmett CPV                     2   4   2   1   1           0   1      .250
Noble SSV                        5  16   0   4   4           0   0      .250
Warren G. VLS                    9  20   5   5   6           0   1      .250
Amos CPV                        11  33   4   8  13           0   3      .242
Richardson SSV                  21  62  15  15  19           0   8      .242
Nahanee Eddie VLS                6  17   5   4   4           0   1      .235
Miyasaki VAS                    21  61  21  14  14           0  19      .230
McKay A. VLS                    26  80  19  18  25           0   7      .225  (3)
Harman Joe VLS                  20  67  19  15  19           0   9      .224
Pearson SSV                      3   9   1   2   2           0   2      .222
Sangster SSV                    10  36   7   8  11           1   5      .222
Clark Bill VLS                   2   9   2   2   5           0   0      .222
Gibbs J. VLS                     3   9   2   2   2           0   1      .222
Hann Stacey VLS                 10  23   5   5   6           0   3      .217
Mowat CPV                       15  37  11   8   8           0   4      .216
Kitagawa Eddie VAS              21  61  19  13  14           0  17      .213
Masi C. CPV                     16  47  10  10  12           0   2      .213
Ruth SSV                        24  67  11  14  20           1   6      .209
Field SSV                        5  10   2   2   2           0   0      .200
(1) Abrams shown at .359, but H/AB = .333,
(2) Gillies shown at .294, but H/AB = .282,
(3) McKay shown at .237, but H/AB = .225, 
 * TB totals obviously wrong as the paper noted Mortimer with 22 TB from 14 
   singles, 2 triples and 2 homers.
CPV=C.P.R., SSV=Sprott-Shaw, VAS-Ashai, VLS=Longshoremen(ILA)

Source :  Vancouver Daily World, August 23, 1920

Yoshioka M. VAS                            2  0 1.000  18
Grimmett CPV                               2  0 1.000  14
Hann Stacey VLS                            6  1  .857  50
Lewis H.(Lefty) VLS                        4  1  .800  24
Crowder Carl VLS                           6  2  .750  51
Basiren CPV                                3  1  .750  26
Abrams H. CPV                              8  3  .727  72
Nahanee Eddie VLS                          2  1  .667  23
Aserlind SSV                               2  2  .500  23
Furomoto Ted VAS                           3  4  .429  55
Kitigawa VAS                               2  3  .400  45
Thurston Jerry CPV                         1  2  .333  29
Uchiyama Yuji VAS                          2  5  .286  30
Simons A.(Lefty) SSV                       3  8  .273  82
Gillies SSV                                1  3  .250  18
Brown Joe VLS                              0  1  .000   7
Dorren/Doran CPV                           0  1  .000   3
Stickney CPV                               0  1  .000   7
Heffering CPV                              0  1  .000   5
Kidd SSV                                   0  1  .000   6
McLaughlin SSV                             0  1  .000   1
Porter SSV                                 0  1  .000   1
Nagano F.(Lefty) VAS                       0  2  .000   9
Crawford SSV                               0  2  .000  21
CPV=C.P.R., SSV=Sprott-Shaw, VAS-Ashai, VLS=Longshoremen(ILA)

Source :  Vancouver Daily World, August 23, 1920




Earl Gillis of the Catholic Club edged out defending batting champion Doc Flanagan to capture the 1920 crown in the Winnipeg Senior Amateur Charity League. Gillis swatted the ball at a .393 clip in 24 games to best Flanagan, at .375. Ward McVey of Transcona, who moved up from the junior ranks this season, finished third, with a .358 average.  Veteran Snake Siddle finished strong and placed fourth, at .345. Siddle led in runs, with 26, and tied with McVey for the lead in total bases, each with 46. McVey had the most hits, 34. Tommy Hood of the Granites swiped 15 bases to top the circuit.

AVE : Gillis WCC - .383
RUNS : Siddle WA - 26
HITS : W.McVey TRS - 34
T-BASES : Siddle WA, McVey TRS - 46
SB : Hood WGR - 15
Gillis Earl WCC                 24  81  15  31  36               5      .383
Flanagan Doc WGR                21  72  13  27  26               7      .375
McVey Ward TRS                  24  95  15  34  46              12      .358
Siddle Bill WA                  24  87  26  30  46               7      .345
Stewart Chuck WEX                9  25   3   8   8               1      .320
Caslake Gord TRS                17  55   9  17  18               5      .309
May Sid WCC                     20  59   6  18  22               5      .305
Hind Jack TRS                    9  23   3   7   8               0      .304
McVey Carson TRS                25  87  18  26  37              11      .299
Hudson Gordon WGR               24  71  12  21  28               3      .296
Phillips Tiny WEX                8  27   1   8  11               1      .296
Maxwell F.G(Steamer)  WA        21  61  14  18  21              12      .295
Hood Tommy WGR                  25  92  16  27  30              15      .293
Warren Bunny WA                 26  90  13  26  37               8      .289
Swartz WEX                       8  21   3   6   9               0      .286
Pattison Lefty WGR              18  72   4  20  27               3      .278
Borland W.(Bill) WA             22  72  16  20  29              11      .278
Franks Carl WCC                  8  29   4   8   8               3      .276
Mooney Nelson WEX               16  55   9  15  18               2      .273
McCullough Jim TRS              25  92  18  25  32               1      .272
McFarlane Packey WEX            11  37   9  10  12               7      .270
Shannon Jimmy WCC               11  26   5   7   8               2      .269
Morrisey WCC                     8  26   1   7   7               1      .269
Hessian Bert TRS                18  72   9  19  20               6      .264
Weir N. WEX                     12  46   9  12  14               8      .261
Craig Percy WEX                  6  21   1   6   7               1      .286  (1)
Hutter Frank TRS                 9  31   5   8  10               0      .258
Trescott George WGR             22  78  12  20  22               2      .256
Nestor Vic TRS                   8  16   5   4   5               0      .250
Baril Tony WCC                   6  20   4   5   6               0      .250
Roche Wally WCC                 23  78  13  19  22               6      .244
Stokes Ernie WEX                13  47   6  11   2               5      .234
Borwick Slim WA                 25  90  10  21  24               5      .233
Perlman Sam TRS                 19  75  10  17  19               3      .227
Stainsby Bert WA                17  44   6  10  14               0      .227
Cass Ed WCC                     25  86   9  19  24               1      .221
Fingard Abe WA                  22  60  11  13  15               1      .217
Laurie Jim WGR                  13  38   7   8   9               3      .211
Neil WEX                         8  23   7   5   6               1      .217  (2)
Moran Amby TRS                  23  78  11  18  27               3      .231  (3)
Morton Jake TRS                 13  25   2   4   6               1      .160  (4)
Sheppard Stu WCC                16  54   2  11  14               2      .204
Guarnera Gus WEX                 9  34   1   7   7               1      .206
Singbush Ron WGR                24  75  12  15  17              13      .200
Ross Alex WGR                    5  15   1   3   5               1      .200
Austman WGR                      4  15   1   3   5               0      .200
Robertson H. WA                 12  31   5   6   7               1      .194
Shannon Tommy WCC               24  78  19  15  20               4      .192
Slattern WA                      6  21   0   4   5               1      .190
Gibson Jimmy TRS                22  70  15  15  16               8      .214  (5)
Miller Dave WA                   8  22   2   5   6               3      .227  (6)
McLennan Dan TRS                16  49   5   9   9               1      .184
Cann Pat WEX                    23  76   7  14  18               0      .184
Knight Bill WCC                 24  72  13  13  24               4      .181
Hillery WGR                     13  51   3  10   8              11      .196  (7)
Dunbar WEX                       5  17   2   3   3               1      .176
Bowler Norm WEX                  8  17   2   3   5               0      .176
Weir WGR                         9  23   1   4   5               1      .174  (10)
Byron Wally WA                  19  69  14  12  14               3      .174
Parkinson Chet WGR               8  55   7   6  11               2      .109  (8)
Herzog Buck WGR                  9  30   5   5   6               0      .167
Cuthbert Lawrie WA              25  94  20  15  16               4      .160
Fraser Jack TRS                  8  32   3   5   6               0      .156
Chisholm Billy WEX              21  70   8  10  12               8      .143
Gordon TRS                       7  28   3   4   4               3      .143
Nott Ivan WA                    10  28   8   4   4               2      .143
Jones Buster WEX                20  50   2   7   7               1      .140
Peltier WGR                      7  29   4   4   4               3      .138
Goodman Mike WGR                12  44   1   6   6               0      .136
McGrath George WCC              17  64   8   8   9               0      .125
Cail Charlie WCC                 7  17   2   2   2               0      .118
Henry Brock WGR                  7  22   4   2   2               3      .091
Buchanan Buck WEX                6  19   2   1   1               1      .053
Hugert Pete TRS                  8  21   4   1   1               0      .048
Robertson Jack WEX              18  50  11   1   1              14      .020  (9)
(1) The published average for Craig was .258, but the H/AB result in .286.
(2) Neil published at .208. numbers = .217. 
(3) Moran published at .207, numbers = .231. 
(4) Morton published at .190, figures = .160
(5) Gibson published at .190, numbers = .214, 
(6) Miller .185 & .227.
(7) Hillery .175 & .196.  
(8) Parkinson .171 & .109 & 
(9) Robertson .040 & .020
(10) The rosters list no Weir for WGR, but likely should be Wear, Gerald
TRS=Transcona, WA=Arenas, WCC=Catholic Club, WEX=Dominion Express, WGR=Granites

Source :  Winnipeg Tribune, September 4, 1920


Nip Wilkinson was the leading hitter on the Brandon Greys in 1920 finishing the season with an outstanding .413 average, the lone Greys hitter to excel.  Wilkinson topped the club with 52 runs and 37 hits. Fenwick was the leading base stealer, with 19.  H.L. "Krug" Crawford was the leading hurler with nine wins in 14 decisions and was the Greys' workhorse appearing in 18 games and 135 innings. He was tops in strikeouts with 165 and walked just nine. Charlie MacInnes finished with a 6-2 record.

BRANDON GREYS                   GP  AB   R   H  TB  2B  3B  HR  SB RBI   PCT
Brandon Only
Wallace BR                       1   3   0   2                   0      .667
Simons BR                        1   3   2   2                   0      .667
Early BR                         2   8   1   4                   0      .500
Wilkinson Nip BR                36 138  52  57                   9      .413
Hogg BR                          1   3   1   1                   0      .333
Robinson BR                      3   7   2   2                   0      .286
Farquahar BR                     2   8   2   3                   0      .375
MacInnes Charlie BR             16  41   6  11                   3      .268
Cochlan Harvey BR               34 142  28  36                   2      .254
Cousley Glen BR                 26  96  15  24                  11      .250
Williams Bill BR                19  69  17  17                   7      .246
Stuart Herb BR                  40 168  34  41                   9      .244
Crawford H.L. BR                26  84   6  20                   7      .238
Fenwick S. BR                   40 144  31  34                  19      .236
McNeill Sandy BR                39 146  27  34                   7      .233
Chabot Lorne BR                 32 118  14  24                   6      .203
Brandt Andy BR                  12  45   8   9                   2      .200
Falconer Alex BR                36 137  19  25                  11      .182
Cornell Happy BR                 9  21   2   3                   0      .143
Lutes Frank BR                   6  23   3   3                   0      .130
Lloyd BR                         1   1   0   0                   0      .000
Source :  Brandon Sun, August 23, 1920
BRANDON GREYS                    G  GS  CG  W  L   PCT  IP   H   R  ER  BB  SO HB  WP    ERA
Brandon Only
Robinson BR                      2          1  0 1.000  15   8           7  16  2   0
Lloyd BR                         1          1  0 1.000   9   7           2   5  1   0
MacInnes Charlie BR             11          6  2  .750  71  42          10  85  6   6
Crawford H.L. BR                18          9  5  .643 135 100           9 165  4   1
Lutes Frank BR                   5          3  2  .600  39  34          14  23  2   3
Early BR                         2          1  1  .500  17  16           4  21  0   1
Cornell Happy BR                 8          2  3  .400  47  48           9  40  3   2
Wilkinson Nip BR                 1          0  1  .000   7   7           5   6  0   0
Hogg BR                          1          0  0  .000   6   8           1   6  2   0
Source :  Brandon Sun, August 23, 1920