1934 Alberta Snapshots     

Opening Day !

Opening of the Edmonton Senior Amateur Baseball League, delayed two days by rain, was finally celebrated at Renfrew Park Friday when the South Side Athletics, with young Duke Baer pitching a one-hit game, defeated the Royals 5-0. In the layout above, at the top, three prominent residents of the city are shown in action. At the left is Hon. J.F. Lymburn, Attorney-General, who is shown wearing a catcher's mask. Holding the bat is Mayor Knott. Hon. W.L. Walsh, Lieutenant-Governor of Alberta, is shown pitching the first ball. In the centre is an action picture, showing Charlie Lewis out at first base, with Bud Williamson, first baseman of the Royals, stretching to complete the put-out. In the picture at the bottom, left, is Base Umpire Harry Loyer calling the runner out and in the lower right-hand corner is an action picture of young Duke Baer, the winning pitcher. A crowd of about 1,000 saw the game. [Edmonton Journal, May 19, 1934]