Statistics, 1949     


Edmonton Cubs' Reg Clarkson was THE statistical story of the 1949 Big Four season.  The second sacker who led the Cubs to the Big Four championship finished atop every major batting category.  His .386 average was 40 points better than the Eskimos Cliff Johnston who finished second. Bill Clovinski of the Cubs was third, at .344.

Clarkson had 117 runs, 149 hits, 33 doubles, 12 triples and 15 home runs.  He also topped the league with 81 runs batted in and was best on the bases with 61 steals. 

Bill Whyte of Purity topped the hurlers with 16 wins.  John McManus of the Cubs had the best earned run average, 2.02, and Lloyd Bradley of Purity was tops in innings pitched, 196, and strikeouts, 126. Arnie Fernandez of Purity appeared in the most games, 33.


AVE : Clarkson EDC - .386 
RUNS : Clarkson EDC - 117 
HITS : Clarkson EDC - 149 
2B : Clarkson EDC - 33 
3B : Clarkson EDC - 12 
HR : Clarkson EDC - 15 
RBI : Clarkson EDC - 81 
SB : Clarkson EDC - 61 

BIG FOUR INTER-CITY             GP  AB   R   H  TB  2B  3B  HR  SB RBI   PCT
Clarkson Reg EDC                96 386 117 149      33  12  15  61  81  .386
Johnston Cliff EDE              89 357  73 123      21   2   3  23  71  .345
Clovinski Bill EDC              67 270  73  93      18   2   3  14  53  .344
Choukalos Ernie CG99            94 372  63 127      19   4  13  10  71  .341
Robertshaw Barry EDC            92 385 101 129      15   7   2  41  47  .335
Richardson John CGB             14  49  11  16       5   0   1   7   5  .327
Gibson Jimmy CGB                41 135  17  44      10   0   1   1  21  .326
Price Bill EDE                  80 333  72 106      14   6   0  37  32  .318
Brockie Dave EDE                87 351  77 111      11   7   5  47  43  .316
Mori Carl CGB                   58 218  27  68      14   0   3   0  17  .312
Morris Eddie EDE                73 237  63  72      15   2   7  37  60  .304
Dow Butch CG99                  17  57  14  17       2   2   2   2  13  .298
Ruzich Bill CGB                 16  37   4  11       1   0   0   0   4  .297
Mills Jack Lefty CG99           62 157  25  46       8   2   2   1  16  .293
Gully Walt CG99                 94 369  63 108      19   5   9  21  62  .293
Tappe Ted EDE                   69 273  56  79      15   3   9  29  47  .289
Ryan James EDC                  87 339  66  98      15   3  11  16  75  .289
Barnes Dick CG99                22  49   0  14       1   0   3   0   7  .286
Stewart Doug EDC                61 220  46  62       8   2   2  11  37  .282
Morgan Ralph EDE                27  50   6  14       2   0   0   0   5  .280
Anderson Bernie EDC             69 266  49  74       5   2   2  18  43  .278
Gibbons Ron CGB                 75 285  40  79      11   1   4  11  34  .277
Carlisle Richie CG99            66 278  55  77       8   4   6  26  29  .277
O'Connor Des EDC                88 346  67  94      17   6   1  22  51  .272
Terry Ken CGB                   49 107  15  29       6   0   1   0  12  .271
Gadsby Bill CGB                 88 342  31  91      10   3   3   6  42  .266
Forsyth Jim CGB                 22  76  14  20       1   2   3   2  11  .263
Beland Ernie CG99               80 289  44  76       8   3   3  15  36  .263
Kelly Neil CG99                 40 160  35  42       4   1   0   9   5  .263
Karlson Len EDE                 83 334  57  86      16   6   2  12  44  .257
Noon Dick CG99                  85 311  36  79       8   1   2   7  42  .254
Stevenson Doug EDC              76 241  48  60      15   2   4  13  44  .249
Huckabay Woody CG99             83 308  47  76       9   6   0   7  36  .247
Canepa Ray EDE                  58 184  22  45       6   0   0   4  19  .245
Edwards Les EDC                 37 123  21  30       5   3   2   0  19  .244
Kortgard Ross EDE               42 138  18  33       5   0   2   4  28  .239
Blackhall Bob CG99/CGB          82 306  37  73       4   2   3   5  30  .239
Keeley Bill EDE                 26  84   8  20       3   0   0   1  13  .238
Hobson Jack EDC                 74 281  36  66      10   0   2   6  30  .235
Work Babe CGB                   48 133  12  31       5   0   1   0  12  .233
Seaman Jerry EDE                75 228  49  53       9   1   1  15  42  .232
Bradley Lloyd CGB               55 160  18  37       8   0   1   3  15  .231
Bing Keith CGB                  51 180  22  41       4   0   1   8   8  .228
Mellbye Clarence EDE            21  54   5  12       2   0   0   0   6  .222
McNabb Bob EDC                  15  56  14  12       4   0   1   2   5  .214
Weaver Bing CG99                40 112  17  24       2   0   1   1   6  .214
Granato Fred CG99               81 271  28  58      10   0   0   6  27  .214
Samis Ken EDE                   14  47   6  10       2   0   1   2   6  .213
McIntyre Don CG99               23  58   5  12       0   0   0   2   3  .207
Whyte Bill CG99                 32  85   8  17       3   0   0   0   3  .200
Byman Al CG99                   24  50   6  10       3   0   0   0   4  .200
Lewis  CGB                      11  36   1   7       0   0   0   1   2  .194
Bernadou LeRoy CGB/CG99         44 155  20  30       4   0   1   9  14  .194
Maze Tony CGB                   10  21   0   4       2   0   0   0   3  .190
Georgette Bill EDE              92 333  45  61       4   0   0  13  26  .183
Petrunia George CGB             37  93   8  17       0   0   0   0   8  .183
Stuart Bob EDC                  17  34   5   6       1   0   0   3   4  .176
Nelson Ken CGB                  17  57   6  10       0   1   0   1   7  .175
Lowe Dick EDE                   27  40   6   7       0   0   0   0   2  .175
Fernandez Arnie CG99            34  40   6   7       1   0   0   0   2  .175
Gibson Brian CGB                19  40   2   7       1   0   0   1   0  .175
Gallo Romo CGB                  29  93  11  16       2   0   0   1   6  .172
Omelus Alex CGB                 20  30   3   5       0   0   0   1   1  .167
Leach Stan EDE                  17  62  13  10       4   2   1   3   7  .161
Garrett Bob CGB                 25  62   9  10       3   1   1   2   6  .161
Purvis Al EDC                   19  45   5   7       0   0   0   0   4  .156
Hawkey Morrie EDC               18  46   5   7       0   0   0   0   5  .152
Peterson Bob EDE                17  34   5   5       1   1   0   0   2  .147
Callihan Vern EDC               19  55   3   8       0   0   0   0   7  .145
Johnson Mike CG99               23  36   0   5       0   0   0   1   3  .139
Harney Laurel EDC               18  50   4   6       0   0   0   3   1  .120
Devine Jack EDE                 26  53   2   6       1   0   0   1   3  .113
Belter Ed Lefty EDE             29  62   3   7       2   0   1   1  10  .113
Goodwin Herb CGB                46  64   7   7       0   0   1   2   3  .109
Stone Art CGB                   84 275  36  49       6   1   3   7  27  .108  (1)
Peterson Paul EDC               16  30   2   3       0   0   0   0   1  .100
Smith  CGB                      19  63   5   6       1   0   0   0   2  .095
Bullen Harry CGB                14  33   2   3       0   0   0   0   0  .091
(1) With the at bats and hits shown, Stone should have had a .178 average.
Source: Calgary Herald, September 9, 1949
CGB=Calgary Buffaloes, CG99=Calgary Purity, EDD=Edmonton Cubs, EDE=Edmonton Eskimos

GAMES: Fernandez C99 - 33 
INNINGS : Bradley CGB - 196 
WINS : Whyte C99 - 16 
PCT : Stuart EDC, 6-1 - .857 
STRIKEOUTS : Bradley C99 - 126 
ERA : McManus EDC - 2.02 

BIG FOUR INTER-CITY              G  GS  CG W  L   PCT  IP   H   R  ER  BB  SO HB  WP    ERA
McManus John EDC                 6         4  1  .800  49  46  21  11  22  18  2   4   2.02   
Thomas Elmer EDE                 7         3  0 1.000  39  36  14  10  15  24  1   2   2.33   
Edwards Les EDC                 20        10  7  .588 160 122  69  44  41  92  1   8   2.48   
Lowe Dick EDE                   18         8  4  .667 100  95  43  28  27  66  9   0   2.51   
Stuart Bob EDC                  15         6  1  .857  81  72  30  23  50  48  4   6   2.55   
Mills Jack CG99                 22         6  8  .429 118 129  64  37  31  73  5   4   2.57(1)    
Morris Charlie  CGB              4         1  3  .250  31  37  28   9  10  24  4   2   2.61
Hawkey Morrie EDC               19        11  6  .647 141 145  75  41  54  88  3   4   2.62
Garrett Bob CGB                  9         3  5  .375  61  50  43  19  18  48  1   9   2.82
Walters  CG99                    4         1  1  .500  13   5   5   4  17   7  0   1   2.84
Whyte Bill CG99                 25        16  9  .640 192 189  91  61  47 106  2   6   2.86
Devine Jack EDE                 25        11 11  .500 137 142  80  44  45  78  3   4   2.90
Callihan Vern EDC               19        12  4  .750 135 134  76  44  33  75  3   2   2.93
Bradley Lloyd CGB               25        11 12  .478 196 203 105  71  41 126  2   1   3.25
Belter Ed EDE                   27        11  8  .579 167 168  98  64  84 120  9   5   3.45
Peterson Paul EDC               16         8  5  .615  94  81  61  36  66  80  4  12   3.46
Gruell George  CGB               3         0  2  .000  13  19  14   5   6  10  1   2   3.46
Purvis Al EDC                   19         8  8  .500 117 122  70  46  40  80  1   5   3.54
Seaman Jerry EDE                17        10  5  .667 122 139  84  50  44  50  3   6   3.68
Ruzich Bill CGB                  9         2  6  .250  70  74  50  29  28  60  2   3   3.75
Mellbye Clarence EDE            10         5  3  .625  67  61  46  29  41  44  5   1   3.91
Barnes Dick CG99                10         4  6  .400  73  71  42  32  32  52  5   4   3.95
Johnson Mike CG99               23         4  6  .400  90  81  62  42  59  81  5   7   4.20
Fernandez Arnie CG99            33         7  5  .583 123 131  74  58  47  47  3   5   4.23
Terry Ken CGB                   23         7 14  .333 173 202 122  82  45 110  4   5   4.27
Byman Al CG99                   22         3 10  .231 130 132  91  64  70  64  8   4   4.42
Maze Tony CGB                    9         0  6  .000  51  62  44  26  46  34  2   0   4.59
Morgan Ralph EDE                 7         1  1  .500  31  44  28  17  11   7  1   1   4.88
Peterson Bob EDE                17         5  4  .556  95  89  68  52  48  66  1   1   4.94
Trann Milt EDE                   3         0  1  .000  19  26  20  11   2   6  1   0   5.20(1)
Gibson Brian CGB                19         2  6  .250 105 126 106  61  70  78  7  12   5.25
Omelus Alex EDE/EDC/CGB         17         4  2  .667  72  66  71  46  77  41  5   1   5.78
Oliver Doug CG99                 3         1  1  .500  14  23  14  10   7  13  0   1   6.58
Benson Lorne CG99                4         1  2  .333  16   9  16  12  16  14  5   0   6.89
Ryan Jim EDC                     1         0  1  .000   3   2   5   3   3   2  1   0   9.00
Knarr Maynard  CGB               3         0  3  .000  13  25  20  14  10  10  0   0   9.69
English Ronnie CG99              1         0  1  .000   3   6   4   4   4   0  0   0  12.00
Choukalos Ernie CG99             3         0  1  .000  16  32  24  22   7  10  3   2  12.12(1)
Scott  CGB                       1         0  1  .000   6  12   9   8   6   3  0   0  12.70
Steele Jack CGB                  4         0  1  .000  15  23  29  22  20   6  0   1  12.92
Forsyth Jim CGB                  1         0  1  .000   4   8   9   7   2   2  0   1  14.55
Wigeland Eric EDC                1         0  1  .000   1   2   2   2   1   0  0   0  18.00
(1) With the earned runs and innings shown Mills should be at 2.83, Trann at 5.30, Choukalos at 12.06


The Bentley brothers dominated the hitting statistics in the Saskatoon and District Baseball League. Doug took the batting title with a .410 mark, ahead of Max, who finished at .389.  Pete Prediger of North Battleford was third, at .367. 

Stan Currie of Saskatoon Cubs won the most games, 6.  John Yaroscho of Delisle had the best percentage, winning five without a loss.

Average : Doug Bentley - .410 
Hits : Doug Bentley - 34 
Runs : Max Bentley, Reg Pendelton - 21
Bentley Doug DL                     83  19  34                          .410
Bentley Max DL                      72  21  28                          .389
Prediger Pete NB                    60  11  22                          .367
Mills Cal SKL                       83  10  29                          .349
Logue Lefty PA                      64   9  22                          .344
Dean Les NB                         70  15  24                          .343
Grant Don NB                        67  14  23                          .343
Carpenter John SKL                  41   5  14                          .341
O'Brien Harry SKL                   74  14  24                          .324
Butler Dick DL                      82  16  26                          .317
Source : Saskatoon Star Phoenix, September 3, 1949

Wins : Currie Stan SKL - 6
Won-Lost Pct : Yaroscho John DL - 5-0
Games Started : Currie SKL - 10
Complete Games : Currie SKL & Carpenter SKL - 8
SASKATOON & DISTRICT LEAGUE G GS CG W L PCT IP H R ER BB SO HB WP ERA Currie Stan SKL 12 10 8 6 5 .545 Yaroscho John DL 9 5 4 5 0 1.000 Dean Les NB 9 5 5 5 1 .833 Logue Dave Lefty PA 10 6 6 5 2 .714 Folk Johnny CO 10 6 6 5 3 .625 Griggs Bennie DL 8 7 4 4 0 1.000 Coben Murray DL 7 6 3 3 3 .500 Maroniuk John DL 2 2 1 2 0 1.000 Marshall Bob NB 3 3 2 2 1 .667 Senko Ted CO 5 2 0 2 2 .500 Falk Eric SKCS 9 3 0 2 3 .400 Berezowsky Dick PA 8 8 5 2 5 .286 Carpenter John SKL 10 8 8 2 6 .250 Hunter Archie PA 3 1 1 1 0 1.000 Stewart SKCS 1 1 0 1 0 1.000 Donaroscoe DL 1 0 0 1 0 1.000 Smith Clarence CO 3 3 1 1 0 1.000 Koslowski Pete NB 2 2 1 1 0 1.000 Mitchelmore Don SKL 2 1 0 1 1 .500 Scott Doug SKCS 4 1 0 1 1 .500 Jones Ben SKCS 4 2 0 1 1 .500 Hornyak Lefty SKCS 4 0 0 1 1 .500 Brown Herb NB 3 2 2 1 1 .500 Hilker Fred NB 2 2 2 1 1 .500 Green Jerry SKCS 4 3 2 1 2 .333 Johnson Lorne CO 8 6 2 1 2 .333 Grossman Johnny SKL 5 4 0 0 0 .000 Parker George SKL 1 0 0 0 0 .000 Pizzey Vic SKL 1 0 0 0 0 .000 Newbold Don SKCS 6 3 0 0 0 .000 Farthing Les SKCS 1 1 0 0 0 .000 Bentley Max DL 3 0 0 0 0 .000 Scholdendorf Don DL 1 1 0 0 0 .000 Busa CO 1 0 0 0 0 .000 Francis Emile NB 1 0 0 0 0 .000 Dean Elton NB 1 0 0 0 0 .000 Knaive Ed PA 1 0 0 0 1 .000 Leslie Bob PA 2 1 0 0 1 .000 Ferry SKCS 1 0 0 0 1 .000 Langager CO 1 1 0 0 1 .000 Grant Don NB 1 1 0 0 1 .000 Rompett NB 1 1 1 0 1 .000 McDonald Lefty NB 1 1 0 0 1 .000 Sirota Alex NB 1 1 0 0 1 .000 Friesen Ray PA 5 3 2 0 2 .000 Knutson Albert Knute PA 3 3 0 0 2 .000 Burke Bill Slim SKCS 6 4 0 0 2 .000 Taylor George NB 3 2 0 0 2 .000 Pitching statistics compiled from box scores and game reports DL=Delisle Commodores, CO=Colonsay Monarchs, NB=North Battleford Beavers, SKL=Saskatoon Legion, PA=Prince Albert Veterans, SKC=Saskatoon Cubs


Wilcox Cardinals' centre fielder Clint Squires captured the 1949 Southern League batting title with a .368 average.  Norm Brown, Notre Dame Hounds' shortstop was close behind with a .361 mark. Shaffer Green of the Regina Caps was third, at .353.  Gayle Shupe of Weyburn had the most home runs, 4.  Tony Righetti of Regina Caps topped the circuit in runs, 23, and hits, 29.

Cliff Harrison of the Regina Caps led the pitchers with a 7-1 record. He topped the league in games, 12, starts, 8, and complete games, 7.

Average : Clint Squires WX - .368 
Hits : Tony Righetti RGC - 29 
Runs : Righetti RGC - 23 
Home Runs : Gayle Shupe WY 4 Righetti RGC & Barry Wolstencroft ND 3 

Squires Clint WX                    68      25                          .368
Brown Norman ND                     61      22                          .361
Green Shaeffer RGC                                           3          .353
Metz Don WX                                                             .352
Wieve Irvin WX                                                          .351
Righetti Tony RGC                   83  23  29               3          .349
Kyle Gus RGC                                                            .349
Shupe Gayle WY                                               4          .328
Becker Walt ND                                                          .328
Buttgereit Walter WX                                                    .320
Martin Stan(Stubby) MJ99                                                .310
McWhirter Bob RGR                                                       .310
Source : Regina Leader-Post, August 15, 1949

Wins : Cliff Harrison RGC - 7 
Won-Lost Pct : Harrison RGC - 7-1, .875 
Games : Harrison RGC - 12 
Games Started : Harrison RGC - 8 
Complete Games : Harrison RGC - 7 

SOUTHERN LEAGUE                  G  GS  CG W  L   PCT  IP   H   R  ER  BB  SO HB  WP    ERA
Harrison Cliff RGC              12   8   7 7  1  .875 
Lauer Lambert MJC                9   7   6 6  2  .750 
Sorenson Rex RGC                 6   6   4 5  1  .833 
Torgerson Elmer MJC              7   4   1 4  1  .800  
Metz Don WX                     10   3   1 3  2  .600  
Covert Keith WY                  4   1   1 2  0 1.000
Green Shaeffer RGC               3   3   2 2  1  .667
Buttgereit Walter WX             6   4   0 2  1  .667
Dombowsky Hugo ND                8   6   4 2  3  .400
Downton Aubrey WX               10   6   2 2  3  .400
Shupe Gayle WY                   7   5   3 2  3  .400
L'Heureux Lionel ND              4   2   1 1  0 1.000
Claggett Bus ND                  3   0   0 1  0 1.000
Scott Scotty WX                  1   1   1 1  0 1.000
Torgenrud Mel WY                 1   1   0 1  0 1.000
Hofmeister Lloyd WY              1   1   1 1  0 1.000
Vogt Al RGC                      2   0   0 1  0 1.000
McKenzie Chuck RGC               1   1   0 1  0 1.000
Becker Walt ND                   4   2   0 1  1  .500
Hoag Dude ND                     2   2   1 1  1  .500
Verpe Orval WY                   3   2   1 1  1  .500
Thorseth Cy MJC                  5   3   2 1  1  .500
Erfle Albert MJC                 2   1   1 1  1  .500
Hogg Ralph WY                    6   6   3 1  4  .200
Kerley Dick ND                   9   5   1 1  5  .167
Lawrence Larry WX                1   0   0 0  0  .000
Wilder Les WY                    1   0   0 0  0  .000
Roth Lefty WY                    1   0   0 0  0  .000
Kyle Bill RGC                    1   0   0 0  0  .000
Booker Leon RGC                  1   1   0 0  0  .000
Compton Lloyd MJC                1   1   0 0  0  .000
Cooper Mort MJC                  2   1   0 0  0  .000
Harrison Red RGR                 1   1   0 0  1  .000
Mearns Lefty RGR                 2   1   0 0  1  .000
Fricke Erwin RGR                 1   1   0 0  1  .000
Evenson Denny RGC                1   1   0 0  1  .000
Loebe Mervin MJC                 1   1   0 0  1  .000
Bush Cec RGR                     6   2   1 0  2  .000
Bouffard Paul RGR                4   2   1 0  2  .000
Dayne Mike RGR                   2   2   2 0  2  .000  16  15  11   7   5  17          3.94   a
George Pat RGR                   4   4   0 0  4  .000
McClenaghen Ralph RGR            8   4   4 0  4  .000
Pitching statistics compiled from box scores and game reports.
(a) Played under the name Dzingelowski RGC=Regina Caps, MJC=Moose Jaw Canucks, WX=Wilcox Cardinals, WY=Weyburn Beavers, ND=Notre Dame Hounds, RGR=Regina Red Sox


The Brandon Greys easily won the Manitoba Senior League pennant, winning 28 of 32 games, but that was just under a third of the Greys' summer schedule.  The team played 108 games overall, in the MSL, the playoffs, tournaments and exhibitions.  The magical season produced some eye-popping numbers.

Ian Lowe Topped Greys at Plate in Record Season

Ian Lowe, popular playing manager, captured the team batting title for the season with a mark of .336.  Coney Williams finished in second place with .327 and Rafe Cabrera was third with .317.

Cabrera led in the all-important runs-batted-in with 89, two more than Ramon Rodriguez.  Cabrera also led in runs with 129, and home runs with 13.  Williams led in hits with 139 and Bus Vasquez topped the club in triples with 16.  Rodriguez won the stolen bases title by the proverbial country mile and also led in doubles with 33.  (Brandon Sun)

Dirk Gibbons had a sensational season on the mound leading the club in wins, with 19.  He lost just 5 times in completing 20 of his 23 starts.  Gibbons fanned 229 batters in 198 innings pitched.  Winslow Means finished at 18-4 with 17 complete games and Frank Watkins won 17 or 20 decisions with 18 complete games.

Brandon Greys full season statistics
(Includes league, tournament, exhibition and playoff games


Average : Ian Lowe BR - .336 
Hits : Koney Williams BR - 139 
Doubles : Ramon Rodriguez BR - 33 
Triples : Armando Vazquez BR - 16 
Home Runs : Rafe Cabrera BR - 13 
Runs : Cabrera BR - 129 
RBI : Cabrera BR - 89 
Stolen Bases : Rodriguez BR - 54 
BRANDON FINAL                   GP  AB   R   H  TB  2B  3B  HR  SB RBI   PCT
Lowe Ian BR                    105 399  71 134      24   8   2   2  80  .336
Williams Coney BR              102 425 106 139      31   7   3  20  71  .327
Cabrera Rafe BR                108 426 129 135      25  14  13  23  89  .317
Rodriguez Ramon BR             100 384  86 120      33  10   3  54  87  .313
Boyd Lincoln BR                 22  90  23  27       3   2   0   1  10  .300
Adkins Hank BR                  15  34   5  10       2   0   0   0   4  .294
Vasquez Armando BR             105 415  82 120      14  16   4  13  84  .289
Wilson Chuck BR                 92 332  79  93      11  11   8  22  69  .280
Gibbons Dirk BR                 52 147  23  40       4   0   1   5  18  .272
MacKay Gerry BR                107 411 110 103      15   4   6   9  68  .251
Watkins Frank BR                34 116  18  25       4   2   1   9  10  .216
Clark Stan BR                   94 306  54  62       5   1   0  21  23  .203
Sinclair Jack BR                10  28   3   4       0   0   0   0   2  .143
Means Winslow BR                31  96   7  11       1   0   0   0   4  .115
Source : Brandon Sun  * All games (league, tournament, exhibition & playoffs)

* There were some minor errors in calculating averages, given the hits & at bats shown.  
Lowe was shown at .338, Williams .328, Cabrera .316, Rodriguez .312, Wilson .277, Means .114
CARMAN FINAL                    GP  AB   R   H  TB  2B  3B  HR  SB RBI   PCT
Andrews Sonny                      268  73 102      17   8   8      74  .381
Cobb Lillord                       217  66  81      12   5  19      75  .373
Teasley Ron                        137  26  46      11   3   7      32  .336
Johnson Bob                        278  60  91      21   3   9      72  .327
Sanders Bill                       264  79  83      13  10   3      32  .314
Schaefer Jack                       63  10  19       3   2   1      10  .302
Shanner Roger                       70  12  20       2   1   2      10  .286
McFadden Jim                       215  39  60      14   3   2      24  .279
Elliott Gord                       199  43  55      11   0   0      30  .276
McKerlie Clint                     157  24  40       0   1   4      22  .255
McKerlie Almer                     195  29  45       2   0   1      24  .231
Novak Ted                           27   6   5       0   0   2       5  .185
Reid Don                            56   9  10       0   0   0       7  .179
Caulfield John                      52   4   5       0   0   0       6  .096
Anderson Al                         15   0   0       0   0   0       0  .000
Source : Carman player Gord Elliott
To August 11
MANITOBA SENIOR                 GP  AB   R   H  TB  2B  3B  HR  SB RBI   PCT
Gibbons Dirk BR                 13  46      17                          .370
Andrews Sonny CA                20  82      30                          .366
Lawson Don WPS                  19  61      22                          .361
Johnson Bob CA                  20  86      29                          .337
Lowe Ian BR                     25  95      32                          .337
Sparrow Moe ANAF                18  60      20                          .333
Robertson Alex ANAF             10  68      22                          .324
Vasquez Armando BR              28  93      30                          .323
Roche Dick EL                   29  99      31                          .313
Warwick Jack EL                 29 112      35                          .313
Leier Ed EL                     29 107      33                          .308
McFadden Jimmy CA               22  91      28                          .308
Sawchuk Terry EL                19  66      20                          .303
Sabo Lou ANAF                   22  67      20                          .299
Rodriguez Ramon BR              23  92      27                          .293
Cabrera Rafe BR                 25 106      31                          .292
Slater Don ANAF                 23  96      27                          .281
Sanders Bill CA                 23  83      23                          .277
McKerlie Almer CA               19  74      20                          .270
Cobb Lillord CA                 15  67      18                          .269
Antoniak Bill WPS               25  94      25                          .266
Bentley Tom ANAF                19  68      18                          .265
Bouchard Rollie WPS             23  99      26                          .263
Letourneau Ralph WPS            21  80      21                          .263
Drake Solly EL                  25 104      27                          .260
Williams Coney BR               25 108      28                          .259
Merlevede Gus WPS               14  54      14                          .259
Chandler Homer EL               17  43      11                          .256
Price Hal EL                    20  51      13                          .255
Spencer Joe EL                  18  67      17                          .254
MacKay Gerry BR                 24  92      23                          .250
Kearney Pat WPS                 17  48      12                          .250
(Fewer than 10 Games)
Mazur Ed WRE                     1   1       1                         1.000
Nelson Fred EL                   1   4       2                          .500
Shanner Roger CA                 2   7       3                          .429
Blight Floyd CA                  2   7       3                          .429
Sanderson Ed CA                  2   5       2                          .400
Preston Joe EL                   3   8       3                          .375
Wells WillieSr EL                8  24       8                          .333
Washington John CA               7  18       6                          .333
Wasnyk Mike EL                   4   6       2                          .333
Blight Don CA                    4  15       5                          .333
Ramsay Art CA                    2   9       3                          .333
Dawson Bert ANAF                 5   7       2                          .286
Schaefer Jack CA                 2   7       2                          .286
Bend Lin CA                      6  25       7                          .280
Miller Gordie EL                 4  11       3                          .273
Watkins Frank BR                 8  32       8                          .250
Schmall Johnny CA                3   8       2                          .250
Petkau David CA                  2   4       1                          .250
Source : Winnipeg Free Press, August 17, 1949, p.20 

* Two minor discrepancies between the printed averages and those derived from the 
published hits and at bats.  Terry Sawchuk was shown with a .312 mark, Warwick 
was also shown at .312

MANITOBA FINAL                   G  GS  CG  W  L   PCT  IP   H   R  ER  BB  SO HB  WP    ERA
Gibbons Dirk BR                 28  23  20 19  5  .792 198                 229
Means Winslow BR                25  20  17 18  4  .818 199                 218
Watkins Frank BR                24  19  18 17  3  .850 189
Price Hal EL/BR                 31  18  17 14  8  .636 195
Vasquez Armando BR              19  14  11 12  1  .923 123
Chandler Homer EL               22  20  11 11  7  .611 145
Adkins Hank BR                  11  11   8  8  0 1.000  83
Watson Amos EL                  17  12  10  8  4  .667 119
Snead Cy BR/EL                   9   7   5  6  1  .857  60
Sinclair Jack BR                10  10   7  6  2  .750  75
Caulfield Johnny CA             21  13   7  6  5  .545
Reid Don CA                     15   9   6  5  5  .500
Wells Willie EL                  4   4   3  3  1  .750  32
Carpenter Gord ANAF             11   7   2  3  3  .500
Washington John CA               8   6   1  3  3  .500
Cobb Lillord CA                 13  10   7  3  8  .273
Anderson Alvin Nuts CA           7   4   2  2  0 1.000
Cabrera Rafe BR                  3   2   2  2  0 1.000  26
Pollock Russ BR                  3   3   2  2  1  .667  20
Lawson Don WPS                   5   5   3  2  3  .400
Genthon Mike ANAF               12   9   6  2  6  .250
Slowinski Eddie WPS             12  11   7  2  8  .200  82
McKerlie Clint CA                4   1   1  1  0 1.000
Sabo Lou ANAF                    2   0   0  1  0 1.000
Rodriguez Ramon BR               1   1   1  1  0 1.000   7   6   0   0   0   6          0.00
Reeves Ken EL                    5   4   1  1  1  .500  33
Dawson Bert ANAF                 5   3   0  1  1  .500
Danyluk Bud CA                   3   3   2  1  1  .500
Johnson Mel WPS                  6   4   2  1  2  .333
McDonald Eddie CA                6   4   1  1  2  .333
Mathesius Bob WPS                6   3   1  1  3  .250
Anderson Jimmy ANAF/WPS         12   5   4  1  4  .200
Hansford Bob ANAF                8   5   3  1  4  .200
Mattson Carl ANAF               10   6   2  1  5  .167
Nicholson Bill WPS              14   7   6  1  7  .125
McKerlie Almer CA                2   0   0  0  0  .000
Novak Ted CA                     2   0   0  0  0  .000
Boyd Lincoln BR                  1   1   0  0  0  .000   2
Douglas Ian EL                   1   0   0  0  0  .000   4
Johnson CA                       1   0   0  0  0  .000
Schmall Johnny CA                1   0   0  0  0  .000
Preston Joe EL                   2   2   0  0  1  .000  10
Wilson Chuck BR                  1   1   0  0  1  .000   1
Stoff Hal ANAF                   1   0   0  0  1  .000
Mazur Ed WPS                     1   1   0  0  1  .000
Desjardins Larry EL              2   2   0  0  2  .000   4

* Pitching records were compiled from box scores and game reports (the strikeout totals for Gibbons and Means from the Brandon Sun) and include all games - league, exhibitions, tournaments and playoffs. EL = Elmwood Giants, BR = Brandon Greys, CA = Carman Cardinals, ANA = Army, Navy, Air Force Vets, WPS - Winnipeg Winnipegs


Import outfielder Joe Bechard of the London Majors ran away with the batting championship of the Intercounty Baseball League.  Bechard, from Michigan State University, compiled a .424 average.

Vern Kaiser of Galt Terriers topped the circuit in hits, 66, home runs, 10, runs batted in, with 53, and stolen bases, 22. 

Tommy White again topped the pitchers, finishing with the won-lost mark of 13-3.  Al Dumouchelle of Waterloo had the most strikeouts, 101.

Average : Bechard LDN - .424 
Hits : Kaiser Vern GT - 66 
Home Runs :  Kaiser GT - 10 
RBI : Kaiser GT - 53 
Stolen Bases : Kaiser GT - 22 

INTERCOUNTY LEAGUE              GP  AB   R   H  TB  2B  3B  HR  SB RBI   PCT
Bechard Joe LDN                                                         .424
Source : Intercounty Record Book

Wins : White LDN - 13 
Won-Lost Pct : White LDN - .813 Strikeouts : Dumouchelle Al WAT - 101 INTERCOUNTY LEAGUE G GS CG W L PCT IP H R ER BB SO HB WP ERA White Tom LDN 13 3 .813
Source : Intercounty Record Book

BRS=Brantford Red Sox, GT=Galt Terriers, GU=Guelph Maple Leafs, KR=Kitchener Legionnaires, 
LDN=London Majors, STT=St. Thomas Legion, STR=Stratford Nationals, WAT=Waterloo Tigers 


Vanderhoof shortstop Darrell Reinke was the shining star of the Northern Interior Baseball League of 1949 winning the battle title with a .430 average in 23 games.  Teammate B.Russell was the runnerup with a .414 mark. Wilson Muirhead of the Prince George Pollards finished third, at .412.  Reinke led the loop in hits, with 37.

Stoddy Rhodes of the Prince George Pollards topped the hurlers with the most wins, 9, and the best winning percentage, .900, having lost just once in ten decisions. Reg McEachnie of West Lake, and Frank Freizen and Doug Cutler of Quesnel each had seven wins.

Reinke Darrell VHF              23  86  25  37                          .430
Russell B. VHF                  16  58  14  24                          .414
Muirhead Wilson PGP             22  85  19  35                          .412
Berry Don PGP                   21  80  21  32                          .400
Prince VHF                       8  29   9  11                          .379
Campbell VHF                     9  40   6  15                          .375
McIntyre Mel QSL                10  38   8  14                          .368
Stevenson Frank QSL             23  81  16  28                          .346
Robinson Leo WRR                23  93  26  32                          .344
Fleming PGT                     20  62  13  21                          .339
Ekblad GCD                      22  75  16  25                          .333
Zolli Lud PGP                   21  76  20  25                          .329
Graham VHF                      17  61  18  20                          .328
Mentanko PGT                    16  52   9  17                          .327
Laidlaw Bob WRR                 22  87  17  28                          .322
Adams GCD                       10  25   4   8                          .320
Palin PGP                       18  57  11  18                          .316
Gerein Ed WRR                   19  67  13  21                          .313
Coster GCD                      23  83  19  26                          .313
Kent VHF                        10  29   8   9                          .310
Anderson Alex WRR               17  55   7  17                          .309
McQuarrie Jim PGT                9  26   1   8                          .308
Keen Billy QSL                  24  85  25  26                          .306
Pollock Dave QSL                24  85  23  26                          .306
Glazier Hugh WLL                20  69  15  21                          .304
Dalton WRR                      24  76  16  23                          .303
Doyle WLL                       22  87  19  26                          .299
Meiers Dick WLL                 12  44   6  13                          .295
Jensen Phil PGP                 19  68  19  20                          .294
Campbell G. QSL                  8  24   5   7                          .292
Gerein Otto WRR                 11  31   7   9                          .290
Berndt GCD                      23  73  14  21                          .288
McEachnie Don WLL               24  95  23  27                          .284
Reinke G. VHF                   21  64  20  18                          .281
Ritson  QSL                      9  25   3   7                          .280
Valencourt Fred WRR             22  72  13  20                          .278
Campbell W. QSL                 22  76  13  21                          .276
Schnepf Norm PGP                21  87  29  24                          .276
Regnier PGP                     18  62  17  17                          .274
Sims WLL                        21  77  15  21                          .273
Robinson Pete WRR               24  85  14  23                          .271
Appleton WRR                    24  75  13  20                          .267
McQuarrie Gordon PGT            10  19   9   5                          .263
Skalicky Pete WLL               21  84  13  22                          .262
Holder Merv WLL                 22  70  13  18                          .257
Rhodes A. PGP                   19  74  22  19                          .257
Cutler Doug QSL                 18  43   2  11                          .256
Rollander WRR                   15  59   3  15                          .254
Carmichael PGT                  21  56  11  14                          .250
Freizen Frank QSL               11  28   6   7                          .250
Oliver QSL                      12  40  10  10                          .250
Vickers WLL                     22  84  18  21                          .250
Gabriel PGT                     18  59  15  14                          .237
Sugden Howie PGT                21  76   4  18                          .237
Wall Abe VHF                    22  68  24  16                          .235
McDonald GCD                    12  39   7   9                          .231
Rhodes Ken PGP                  15  52   9  12                          .231
Church WRR                      14  48   8  11                          .229
Trask GCD                       19  68  11  15                          .221
Smith John VHF                  16  50   6  11                          .220
Granley GCD                     23  91  10  20                          .220
Favero PGP                      19  76  21  16                          .211
Astoria Harry PGT               23  78  18  16                          .205
Struthers Doug GCD              17  45   8   9                          .200
Gale QSL                        20  57  11  11                          .193
Wall Dave VHF                   21  78  20  15                          .192
Smithers VHF                    12  42   3   8                          .190
Trinder QSL                     16  42   5   8                          .190
Moffat PGT                      22  75   7  14                          .187
Bigelow WLL                     24  73  15  13                          .178
McEachnie Reg WRR               23  65  15  11                          .169
Sorochan PGT                    12  32   6   5                          .156
Wilkie Don QSL                  23  77  15  12                          .156
Smith Jim VHF                   16  52   3   8                          .154
Sato K. GCD                     13  38   5   5                          .132
McKenzie PGT                    11  25   5   3                          .120
Kent PGT                        21  61   8   7                          .115
Blackburn PGT                   15  31   4   3                          .097

Source : Prince George Citizen, October 6, 1949
GCD=Giscome, PGP=Prince George Pollards, PGT=Prince George Timbars, QSL=Quesnel, VHF=Vanderhoof, WLL=West Lakes Loggers, WRR-Willow River Red Sox BC NORTHERN INTERIOR LEAGUE G GS CG W L PCT IP H R ER BB SO HB WP ERA Rhodes Stotty PGP 9 1 .900 McEachnie Reg WLL 7 1 .875 Freizen Frank QSL 7 3 .700 Cutler Doug QSL 7 5 .583 Wall Dave VHF 6 5 .545 Bigelow WLL 5 1 .833 McQuarrie Gordon PGT 5 2 .714 Zolli Lud PGP 5 2 .714 Glazier Hugh WLL 5 4 .556 Valencourt Fred WRR 5 5 .500 Schnepf Norm PGP 3 2 .600 Gabrielle Chuck PGT 3 4 .429 Gerein Otto WRR 3 4 .429 Reynolds PGT 2 2 .500 Anderson Alex WRR 2 4 .333 Struthers Doug GCD 2 6 .250 Berndt GCD 2 7 .222 Skalicky Pete WLL 1 0 1.000 Sugden Howie PGT 1 0 1.000 Wall Abe VHF 1 0 1.000 Quaw GCD 1 1 .500 Harvey Bruce PGT 1 3 .250 Wall Jack VHF 1 4 .200 Adams GCD 0 1 .000 Berry Don PGP 0 1 .000 Downey VHF 0 1 .000 Laidlaw Bob WRR 0 1 .000 Oldheiser Hank PGP 0 1 .000 Rathwell PGT 0 1 .000 Chamberlain GCD 0 2 .000 Kirkness GCD 0 2 .000 Pollock Dave QSL 0 2 .000


Statistics uneathered so far have been restricted to the Kamloops Legion and Penticton teams.  Mel Ottem was the main offensive force for the Legion with a .387 average in 16 games, leading the team in home runs and runs batted in.  Sam Drossos have an outstanding summer for Penticton compiling a .403 average in 16 games.

Marriott G.S.(Lefty) KLL         8  14   3   8       4   0   0       4  .571
Ottem Mel KLL                   16  62  14  24       4   0   3      14  .387
Keeley Cliff KLL                 5   8   2   3       0   0   0       1  .375
Marriott Bill KLL               18  83  19  27       5   3   1       8  .325
Jones Casey KLL                  3  10   3   3       0   0   1       1  .300
Walker Ted KLL                   8  35   8  10       1   1   1       5  .286
Mayson Ash KLL                   9  21   3   6       1   0   0       4  .286
Maralia Harry KLL               18  79  17  22       6   1   0      11  .278
Ottem Ray KLL                   16  66   7  17       1   0   1       6  .258
MacDonald Bill KLL              14  40  10  10       2   2   1       4  .250
McKinnon Jim KLL                 4  13   3   3       0   0   0       0  .231
Swaine Al KLL                    5  13   0   3       0   0   0       2  .231
Meers Gord KLL                   4  11   0   2       0   0   0       2  .182
Schall Bill KLL                 14  54   7   9       1   0   0       6  .167
Johnston Wilf KLL               15  60   4   9       3   0   1       3  .150
Morton Bob KLL                   3   7   0   1       0   0   0       0  .143
Lakten KLL                      12  37   3   4       2   0   1       4  .108
Plasteras Pete KLL               8  20   2   2       0   0   0       0  .100
Glover Jack KLL                 11  26   3   2       1   0   0       1  .077
Wyse KLL                         1   2   0   0       0   0   0       0  .000
Source : Kamloops Sentinel
PENTICTON                       GP  AB   R   H  TB  2B  3B  HR  SB RBI   PCT
Drossos Themos(Sam) PEN         16  67  16  27       2   1   0   9  12  .403
Amos Rolly PEN                   9  17   3   6       1   0   0   2   3  .353
Gunn W. PEN                     14  42   5  12       0   0   0   0   6  .286
Russell Buddy PEN               17  64  10  18       2   0   1   8  10  .281
Cameron D. PEN                  12  52   6  14       1   1   0   2   5  .269
Moore W. PEN                    11  34   6   9       0   0   0   4   5  .265
Nicholson Bill PEN              18  63  20  15       3   0   1  13   8  .238
Drossos Nick PEN                12  33   2   7       0   0   0   2   2  .212
Baker Charlie PEN               13  52   4  11       1   0   0   3   5  .212
Gatin Len PEN                   17  64   6  13       2   0   2   1  11  .203
Kincaid Jack PEN                 7  22   3   4       0   0   0   2   2  .182
Carolei V. PEN                  11  33   4   5       1   0   0   0   4  .152
Raptis Bill PEN                 14  41   5   5       0   0   0   2   3  .122
Source : Penticton Herald, September 1, 1949


Shig Kiyono of New Denver won the batting crown with an even .500 average with 12 hits in 24 at bats. He took home the New Denver Builder's Supply Batting Cup. Stanley Clough of Silverton barely missed tying Kiyono for the lead. Clough also hit .500 but had just 14 official times at the plate, one short of the minimum for qualification. Azu Oikawa of Slocan was the runner-up with a .444 mark and Dave Crellin of New Denver finished third hitting .440. Tad Nishimura of Slocan topped the circuit in runs, with 16, and stolen bases, 14. Nobby Hayashi of New Denver drove in the most runs, 13.

George (Dutch) Groenhuysen, who pitched in all eight games for Silverton, was the top hurler with a 5-3 record and 3.09 ERA along with 77 strikeouts in 75 2/3 innings. He walked just 12.


AVE : Kiyono NDR - .500 
RUNS : T.Nishimura SLC - 16
HITS : G.Nelson SLV - 18
SB : T.Nishimura SLC - 14
RBI : N.Hayashi NDR - 13
Kiyono Shig NDR                     24  11  12                   8      .500
Oikawa Azu SLC                      27   9  12                          .444
Crellin Dave NDR                    25   5  11                          .440
Yamada Mas NDR                      35   6  15                          .429
Nishimura Tad SLC                   36  16  15                  14      .417
Nelson Gord SLV                     44   8  18                          .409
Yoshida Barin NAK                   28  13  11                  11      .393
Yoshida Barin NAK                   28  13  11                  11      .393
Desrochers Fred NAK                 27      10                          .370
Patterson Buster NAK                19       7                          .368
Yanagisawa Otto NAK                 42      15                          .357
Couling Herb NAK                    31      11                          .355
Shaw Neil NAK                       40      11                          .275
Highland Ken NAK                    13       3                          .231
Kerr Rod NAK                        40       9                          .225
Desrochers Ed NAK                   28       6                          .214
Hoshizaki Kaz NAK                   36       7                          .194
Johnson Fred NAK                    16       1                          .063
Kiyono Shig NDR                     24  11  12                   8      .500
Crellin Dave NDR                    25   5  11                          .440
Yamada Mas NDR                      35   6  15                          .429
Butler Bob NDR                      12   3   5                          .417
Thring Walt NDR                     29  11  11                          .379
Takenaka Tamo NDR                   11   2   4                          .364
Hayashi Nobby NDR                   32  10  11                      13  .344
Saruyama W. NDR                     13       4                          .308
Tateishi Jimmy NDR                  38  11   8                          .211
Hayashi Kuts NDR                    10       1                          .100
Pearson Tommy NDR                   27   3   1                          .037
Avison Andy NDR                     13       0                          .000
Clough Stanley SLV                  14   5   7                          .500
Nelson Gord SLV                     44   8  18                          .409
Orr A. SLV                          18   5   7                          .389
Lind Allan SLV                       8   2   3                          .375
Gordon W. SLV                       36   8  13                          .361
Postlewaite Bill SLV                20   5   7                          .350
O'Grady R. SLV                      31  10   9                   8      .290
Kelly Jack SLV                       7   2   2                          .286
Harding Randolph SLV                35   7   9                   8      .257
Groenhuysen G.(Dutch) SLV           38   6   9                          .237
Hambly Dick SLV                     36   7   8                          .222
Gordon Ken SLV                      28   4   5                          .179
Oikawa Azu SLC                      27   9  12                          .444
Nishimura Tad SLC                   36  16  15                  14      .417
Clough A.  SLC                      32  11  12                          .375
Pinchbeck H. SLC                    22   5   8                          .364
Hicks Ted SLC                       36   8  13                          .361
Sakamoto Nappy SLC                  32   8   9                          .281
Matsubayashi Ako SLC                33   3   8                          .242
Graham Ted SLC                      22       5                          .227
Murakami Mickey SLC                 27   3   3                          .111
Braun J. WLW                        13       7                          .538
Swanson R.(Bob) WLW                  5       2                          .400
Lucas J. WLW                         8       3                          .375
Voykin N. WLW                       11       4                          .364
Gustafson E. WLW                    32      11                          .344
Sutherland E. WLW                   22       7                          .318
Moran Johnny WLW                    29       9                          .310
Lister Benny WLW                    30       9                          .300
Avis Bert WLW                       34      10                          .294
Zitzoff N. WLW                       7       2                          .286
Gustafson K. WLW                    23       6                          .261
Kimoff P. WLW                       31       8                          .258
Rebalkin A. WLW                     12       2                          .167
Rebalkin T. WLW                      8       0                          .00
Source :  Arrow Lakes News, August 18 & 25, 1949
NAK=Nakusp, NDR=New Denver, SLC=Slocan City, SLV=Silverton, WLW=Winlaw
Highland Ken NAK                                       34                  26
Patterson Buster NAK                                   30                  26
Desrochers Ed NAK                                       9                   3
Marchessault George NAK                                 3                   3
Pearson Tommy NDR                4                     32                  53
Takenaka Tamo NDR                2                     18                  16
Hayashi Kuts NDR                 2                     11                  11
Hayashi Nobby NDR                1                      9                  17
Kiyono Shig NDR                  1                      1                   1
Matsubayashi Ako SLC             8                     51                  41
Sakamoto Nappy SLC               2                      9                   7
Graham Ted SLC                   2                      2                   2
Hicks Ted SLC                    2                      2                   2
Doi G. SLC                       1                      2                   2
Oikawa Azu SLC                   1                      2                   2
Groenhuysen G.(Dutch) SLV        8         5  3        76          26  12  77          3.09
Zitzoff N. WLW                                         15                  15
Braun J. WLW                                           14                  10
Gustafson K. WLW                                       14                  18
Moran Johnny WLW                                       13                   4
Swanson R.(Bob) WLW                                     7                   4

NEW DENVER (All Games)          GP  AB   R   H  TB  2B  3B  HR  SB RBI   PCT
Kiyono Shig                     16  57  21  24       7                  .421
Butler R.(Bob)                   6  20       8                          .400
Crellin Dave                    15  63      25                          .397
Yamada Mas(Cuke)                17  67      24                          .358
Hayashi Nobby                   17  69      21               4  18  17  .304
Thring Walt                     14  56      17                          .304
Miyahara Frank                   5  19       5                          .263
Tateishi Jimmy                  17  70      17                          .243
Saruyama W.                      9  33       8                          .242
Takenaka Tamo                    6  22       5                          .227
Tippie C.(Ray)                   3   8       2                          .250
Kondo T.                         2   5       1                          .200
Hayashi Katsumi(Kuts)            5  18       3                          .167
Powell D.                        3  10       1                          .100
Pearson Tommy                   13  50       4                          .080
Avison Andy                      5  19       0                          .000
Mori H.                          3   5       0                          .000
Campbell Don                     1   1       0                          .000
Kireto Tobo                      2   5       0                          .000
George E.                        1   2       0                          .000
Broughton Frank                  1   1       0                          .000

NEW DENVER (All Games)           G  GS  CG W  L   PCT  IP   H   R  ER  BB  SO HB  WP    ERA
Hayashi Katsumi(Kuts)                      2  0 1.000                                  0.00
Takenaka Tamo                              2  0 1.000                                  1.99
Pearson Tommy                              5  5  .500  90                 114          2.40
Mori H.                                    1  0 1.000                                  2.93
Broughton Frank                            0  0  .000                                  4.50
Hayashi Nobby                              0  1  .000                                  8.18
Kiyono Shig                                0  1  .000                                 45.00
Source : Silver Star, New Denver, October 27, 1949


The only statistics located for the BC Interior League were those for Kamloops CYO. Bill Portman led the club with a .333 mark with Johnny Garay as the runner-up at .324.  Paul Prehara topped the hurlers with five wins in six decisions.

BC INTERIOR LEAGUE              GP  AB   R   H  TB  2B  3B  HR  SB RBI   PCT
Portman Bill KLC                 7  27   2   9                          .333
Bregoliss Gordon KLC             2   3   0   1                          .333
Garay Johnny KLC                 9  34  14  11                          .324
Prehara Peter KLC                6  16   6   5                          .313
Garay Eddie KLC                  2  10   1   3                          .300
Hornsby Maury KLC               10  41   8  12                          .293
Kaminishi Kaye KLC              10  46  13  13                          .283
Haywood Johnny KLC               7  26   3   7                          .269
Egely Ollie KLC                  9  37   2   9                          .243
Francis Harry KLC                8  29   4   6                          .207
McQuarrie Gordon KLC            10  36   1   7                          .194
Morton Bob KLC                   3  12   5   2                          .167
MacDonald Bill KLC               7  30   2   5                          .167
McArthur Chuck KLC               8  21   0   3                          .143
Scott Len KLC                    3   6   3   0                          .000

Source : Kamloops Sentinel July 30

BC INTERIOR LEAGUE              G GS CG  W  L   PCT  IP   H   R  ER  BB  SO HB WP
McQuarrie Gordon KLC            5        2  0 1.000  30              10  22
Prehara Paul KLC                6        5  1  .833  41               8  29
McArthur Chuck KLC              3        0  2  .000  16               2  10



Third baseman Pete Hawryluk was the leading hitter for the Duncan Athletics in their wildly successful season. Hawryluk, considered the team's most valuable player, led the club with a .386 average in 23 games. He also led the club in homers and triples and was one back of Roy Schappert who finished with a .370 mark good for second place, in two-baggers. Tony Folk compiled an outstanding record of 9-1 in 11 games to lead the pitchers. Doug English finished with a 7-3 record and three shutouts.

DUNCAN BC ATHLETICS             GP  AB   R   H  TB  2B  3B  HR  SB RBI   PCT
Hawryluk Pete DNA               23  88      34       5   2   5          .386
Scheppert Roy DNA               24  89      33       6   0   5          .371
Rodger Eric DNA                  6  18       6       0   0   0          .333
Folk Tony DNA                   11  33      10       1   0   0          .303
Williams Doug DNA                3  14       4       0   0   0          .286
Dame Sammy DNA                  13  42      12       0   0   0          .286
Rodger Lyell DNA                18  69      19       2   1   0          .275
Cain Jimmy DNA                  22  80      21       2   1   0          .263
Gergel Joey DNA                 24  97      25       4   0   4          .258
Stroulger Charlie DNA           24  90      21       2   1   0          .233
Syme Bill DNA                   23  73      17       4   0   0          .233
Cleough Doug DNA                 8  29       5       1   0   0          .172
English Doug DNA                10  35       4       0   0   0          .114
Source : Cowichan Leader, September 8, 1949
DUNCAN B.C. ATHLETICS           G GS CG  W  L   PCT  IP   H   R  ER  BB  SO HB WP    ERA
Folk Tony DNA                  11        9  1                            59
English Doug DNA               11        7  3                            65
Rodger Eric DNA                 1        1  0                            16
Rodger Lyell DNA                1        0  0                            14


Alberta Lea shortstop Dick Kaess captured the 1949 Southen Minnesota league batting title with a final mark of .397 for the season. Kaess was six points ahead of Fairibault's Tony Jaros, at .393. Jaros and teammate Ole Lucken were the top sluggers each with ten home runs. Larry Rosenthal of Winona, Jack LaVelle or Austin and Red Gleason of Owatonna each banged nine.  Kaess was tops in two-baggers with 14. Spike Gorham of Albert Lea led in runs batted in with 43.

Austin's Bob Kuhlman posted the top mark in winning 13 and losing only two. Waseca's Arleigh Kraupa won all 12 of the Blue Jays games, but was charged with at least six losses. No records were available for Sam "Red" Jones * of Rochester or his teammates John Creevey and Stan Partenheimer.

* in the 2006 book Town Ball, Jones' record was noted as 10-2. including a no-hitter.

Kaess Dick LEA                     146      58      14                  .397
Jaros Tony FAR                     135      53              10          .393
Puchleitner Ed WSA                 113      44                          .389
Gleason Red OW                     121      46               9          .380
Carter Mel ROC                     137      52                          .380
Rosenthal Larry WIN                132      50       9       9      31  .379
Seitz Dick AUS                     127      48           3              .378
Gorham Spike LEA                   138      52                      43  .377
Lucken Ole FAR                     122      44              10          .361
Wieczorek Ches ROC                 114      40                          .351
Lee Marty WIN                      123      43                          .350
By Team
Nascak Emil ROC                     18      12                          .667
Veverka Frank ROC                   13       6                          .462
Carter Mel ROC                     137      52                          .380
Wieczorek Ches ROC                 114      40                          .351
Hill Sam ROC                        88      30                          .341
Jones Sam ROC                       42      14                          .333  (1)
Wolfe Earl ROC                     140      46                          .329
Cherney Ernie ROC                  133      42                          .316
Crevey John ROC                    133      39                          .293
Partenheimer Stan ROC               83      23                          .277
Powell Rodney ROC                  128      23                          .180
Wendorf Jim ROC                    107      15                          .140
Hedstrom Bert ROC                    8       1                          .125
Englehart Walt FAR                   4       2                          .500
Jaros Tony FAR                     135      53              10          .393
Lucken Ole FAR                     122      44              10          .361
Schlaffer Augie FAR                115      38                          .330
Hermes Leo FAR                     157      51                          .325
Mealey Buster FAR                  118      34                          .288
Barrett Tom FAR                    132      35                          .265
Nelson Arnie FAR                    97      19                          .196
Chmiel Herb FAR                     52      10                          .192
Machelko Dick FAR                   47       9                          .191
Schuldt John FAR                    77      14                          .182
Erie Bill FAR                       37       6                          .162
Studer Herb FAR                      8       1                          .125
Danielson Bob FAR                   22       1                          .045
Miller John AUS                      7       5                          .714
Turck Don AUS                       61      24                          .393
Seitz Dick AUS                     127      48           3              .378
LaVelle Jack AUS                   120      41               9      41  .342
Campeau Bill AUS                   111      37                          .333
House Sam AUS                       88      29                          .330
Austinson Warren AUS               103      33                          .320
Lindgren Red AUS                   138      44                          .319
Riley Ray AUS                      155      45                          .290
Kuhlman Bob AUS                     61      17                          .279
Harpuder Mel AUS                   115      32                          .278
Thompson Bud AUS                    39      10                          .256
Mossor Earl AUS                     44      11                          .250
Otness Bill AUS                     24       5                          .208
Beckel Bob AUS                      88      18                          .205
Gleason Red OW                     121      46               9          .380
Neuman Gil OW                       70      24                          .343
Nowak Wally OW                      43      14                          .326
Pofahl Jimmy OW                    114      34                          .298
Cassutt Florian OW                  71      21                          .296
Albertson Bob OW                   100      26                          .260
Thurnblad Bob OW                   115      25                          .217
Folven Bob OW                       63      13                          .206
Brown Roger OW                     136      28                          .206
Tepler Boyd OW                      39       8                          .205
Grass Paul OW                      133      27                          .203
Brennan Red OW                      60      12                          .200
Munson Dick OW                      23       4                          .174
Olsen Tom OW                        39       5                          .128
Ribbe Dutch OW                      14       1                          .071
Fichten OW                          14       1                          .071
Kaess Dick LEA                     146      58      14                  .397
Gorham Spike LEA                   138      52                      43  .377
Dolan Shanty LEA                    18       6                          .333
Dudding Jack LEA                    12       4                          .333
Burns Bud LEA                      111      33                          .297
West Gordy LEA                     135      35                          .259
Bruns Paul LEA                      12       3                          .250
Opperman Don LEA                    85      20                          .235
McCabe Bob LEA                     124      27                          .218
Turner LEA                          34       7                          .206
Dolan Bob LEA                      142      29                          .204
Marquardt Rollie LEA                53      10                          .189
Hougard Red LEA                    105      18                          .171
Messerly Russ LEA                   10       1                          .100
Olson Lou LEA                       11       1                          .091
Menke John LEA                      11       1                          .091
Mittag Clarence LEA                 52       4                          .077
Rosenthal Larry WIN                132      50       9       9      31  .379
Molock Max WIN                      96      29                          .302
Michalowski John WIN               136      41                          .301
Kowalewski Lambert WIN              93      28                          .301
Dahl Sonny WIN                     136      40                          .294
Kulig Al WIN                        49      12                          .245
McGill Bob WIN                     116      27                          .233
Swanson Wally WIN                   13       3                          .231
Keating Ed WIN                      13       2                          .154
Wojcik Hank WIN                     40       6                          .150
Harper John WIN                     71       8                          .113
Mitchell Joe WIN                     9       1                          .111
Gabrych Ray WIN                     18       1                          .056
Lee Marty WIN                      123      43
Puchleitner Ed WSA                 113      44                          .389
O'Brien Bob WSA                    133      40                          .301
Mauer Jake MAK                     115      36       9                  .313
Mauer Ken MAK                      122      37                          .303
Kindler Bill MAK                   140      38                          .271
Hoffman Ed MAK                     109      28                          .257
Roth Kelly MAK                     125      31                          .248
Gattler Bob MAK                     81      20                          .247
Malcolm Red MAK                     81      19                          .235
Westegard Jiggs MAK                134      31                      31  .231
Thompson Ken MAK                    18       4                          .222
Norman Frank MAK                     9       2                          .222
Miller Gerry MAK                    10       2                          .200
Hoffman Noel MAK                    64      10                          .156
Ness John MAK                       58       9                          .155
Lembke Doug MAK                     13       2                          .154
Marso Jack MAK                      32       4                          .125
Hoffman Jerry MAK                   20       1                          .050
Wick Lenny MAK                      20       1                          .050
* Most Waseca stats not available.
(1) The published figure for Jones' ABs was 52, but 42 would result in the PCT published.
Source : Winona Republican Herald, August 30, 1949 SOUTH MINNESOTA LEAGUE G GS CG W L PCT IP H R ER BB SO HB WP ERA Olson LEA 1 0 1.000 7 16 Schmithuber LEA 1 0 1.000 1 0 Kuhlman AUS 13 2 .867 89 126 House AUS 5 1 .833 16 45 Mossor AUS 9 3 .750 42 102 Opperman LEA 8 5 .615 31 37 Mechelke FAI 8 5 .615 55 101 Chmiel FAI 9 8 .529 38 103 Cassutt OW 8 8 .500 Keating WIN 2 2 .500 20 21 Miller AUS 1 1 .500 11 12 Danielson FAI 1 1 .500 6 14 Marso MAK 5 5 .500 40 39 Westegard MAK 9 11 .450 39 89 Kulig WIN 5 7 .417 49 86 Alexander WIN 2 3 .400 16 33 Wick MAk 2 3 .400 28 40 Albertson OW 2 3 .400 Marquardt LEA 6 10 .375 84 96 Mitchell WIN 1 2 .333 30 18 Messerly LEA 1 2 .333 8 10 Tepler OW 4 9 .308 Roberts WIN 1 3 .250 29 33 Geske WIN 1 5 .167 38 44


M. Nicola of the New Westminster Luckies, with a .451 batting mark, was the easy winner of the 1949 batting title in the Kingsway Senior League. Nicola was well ahead of runner-up, Don McKay of the Grandview Chiefs, at .379, and Harry Robinson of also of Grandview, with a .375 average.

Nicola M. NWR                       91      41                          .451
McKay Don GRV                       87      33                          .379
Robinson Harry GRV                 104      39                          .375
Biggan Jimmy SH                     74      27                          .365
Hole Freddy GRV                    102      37                          .363
Greaves T. GRV                      92      33                          .359
Henry Ed SBA                        28      10                          .357
Forsyth SH                          35      12                          .343
Sawden SH                          112      38                          .339
Phipps D. SBA                       66      22                          .333
Matthews E. GRV                     33      11                          .333
Adams Doug GRV                      89      29                          .326
Ricketts Gerry GRV                 109      35                          .321
Maxwell M. GRV                      66      21                          .318
Daniels Bill SH                     76      24                          .316
Lennox Bud GRV                      57      18                          .316
McInerny D. CW                      19       6                          .316
Tompkins Don SBA                    90      28                          .311
U'Ren Gordy NWR                     45      14                          .311
Syme SH                             84      26                          .310
Booth Al SBA                        26       8                          .308
Johnson SH                          69      21                          .304
Buckle Al SBA                       76      23                          .303
Bickerton Hughie SBA                50      15                          .300
Rys Johnny CW                       40      12                          .300
Craig VCR                           10       3                          .300
Phillips Ernie NWR                  64      19                          .297
Switch Jack NWR                     68      20                          .294
Philley Brian SBA                   52      15                          .288
Thieman NWR                         87      25                          .287
Sigurdson SH                        63      18                          .286
Richardson CW                       32       9                          .281
Keeley VCR                          97      27                          .278
Boyle SH                            79      22                          .278
Francis CW                          36      10                          .278

CW=Collingwood, GRV=Grandview, NWR=New Westminster Luckies, SBA=South Burnaby, 
SH=Steveston Hotel, VCR=(300 Transfer)
Source : Vancouver Sun, Friday, September 9, 1949 


Buddy Condy of the Halifax Capitals ran away with the 1949 batting title, topping runner-up Johnny Clark by more than 40 points, .368 to .327. Don Reimer, Clark's teammate on the Shipyards nine, was third at .324.

Johnny Duarte of Dartmouth led the pitchers in ERA with a 1.52 mark in winning eight of nine decisions. Teammate Jim Heller and Chuck Ginty of Liverpool were tops in wins, each with ten. Jack Halpin of the Capitals was the league workhorse hurling 133 innings. He also led in strikeouts, 128.


Condy Buddy HFC                    212  42  78                          .368
Heller Jim DAR                      62  10  21                          .339
Clark Johnny HSH                   165  43  54                          .327
Reimer Don HSH                     188  25  61                          .324
Acocella Angelo(Doc) DAR           207  42  63                          .319
Seaman Danny LIV                   162  30  51                          .315
Decker Bob DAR                     194  39  61                          .314
Duarte Johnny DAR                  118  22  37                          .314
Kokos Joe MCD                      172  36  54                          .314
Felton Jim DAR                     117  22  35                          .299
Rossman Herb HSH                   117  27  35                          .299
Heller Jim                          62  10  21                          .339
Acocella Angelo(Doc)               207  42  63                          .319
Decker Bob                         194  39  61                          .314
Duarte Johnny                      118  22  37                          .314
Felton Jim                         117  22  35                          .299
Falco Red                          125  26  36                          .288
Principe Johnny                    218  42  62                          .284
Dulmage Tom                        165  31  46                          .279
O'Brien Stu                        196  35  54              16          .275
Lay Joe                            142  19  37                          .261
Bella Zeke                         177  32  46                          .261
McQuillen John                      41   4   8                          .195
Clausen Bill                        50   4   9                          .180
Martin Howie                        28   5   3                          .107
Greene Charlie                      21   0   0                          .000
Condy Buddy                        212  42  78                          .368
Marr                                80  11  23                          .288
Flinn Porky                         36   5  10                          .278
Fitzgerald Bob                      95  14  26                          .274
West Art                           107  16  29                          .271
Levinson Gerry                      48   6  13                          .271
Burchell Charles(Red)              184  28  49                          .266
Auger Tommy                         62   5  16                          .258
McDermott Bill                     164  20  38                          .232
Hannon Billy                       151  22  35                          .232
Halpin Jack                        135  18  30                          .222
Donleavy Ed                         95  15  21                          .222
Frydryk                             37   8   8                          .216
Maloney Ed                         164  25  32                          .195
Harrington Fran                     99  10  19                          .192
Staples Neil                        34   6   5                          .147
Seaman Danny                       162  30  51                          .315
Rice Billy                         196  33  56                          .286
Mulcahy Jack                       119  26  33                          .277
Dagley Fred                        188  31   5                          .266
Seaman Garneau                      69  11  18                          .261
Robinson Ray                        36   1   9                          .250
Bowers Mac                          65   7  16                          .246
Skinner                            176  25  41                          .233
Sheehan Clayton                    155  21  36                          .232
Young Al                           186  27 433                          .228
Wells Kit                          152  23  32                          .211
Ginty Chuck                         57   8  12                          .211
Beaumire Ed                         35   4   7                          .200
Rudderham Jackie                    34   5   2                          .059
Raboin Norm                         12   0   0                          .000
Clark Johnny                       165  43  54                          .327
Reimer Don                         188  25  61                          .324
Rossman Herb                       117  27  35                          .299
Woods Leo                          223  25  66                          .296
Tully Ray                          161  25  45                          .281
Griffin Dick                        45   9  12                          .267
Garin Tony                         134  17  35                          .261
Brown Garnet                        68   7  17                          .250
Damon Ken                          139  13  34                          .245
Brown Jerry                         17   2   4                          .235
Narleski Ted                       150  26  35                          .233
Ferguson Philip(Skit)               31   8   7                          .226
Gray Jimmy                          54   7  12                          .222
Caram Ray                           45   3   8                          .178
Johnson                             34   3   6                          .176
Gordon Jack                         17   4   3                          .176
Burns Mick                          25   3   4                          .160
Kokos Joe                          172  36  54                          .314
Thamakos Gus                       151  18  43                          .285
Ray Gerald(Fats)                    35   4   9                          .257
Wingo John                         117  20  30                          .256
Oberlin Roger                      129  20  30                          .248
Forbes Wendell                     115  18  28                          .243
Anderson Wilf                       94   5  21                          .223
Majek                              106  10  20                          .189
Boucher                             43   2   8                          .186
Wingo Jim                           55   5  10                          .182
Bozzo                               74  10  18                          .176
Parent Bernie                      180  22  28                          .156
Quinn                               11   1   1                          .091
Source :  Halifax Herald
Duarte Johnny 8 1 89 58 25 71 1.52
Heller Jim 10 2 108 81 19 77 2.41
McQuillen John 5 4 78 85 45 41 3.23
Martin Howie 7 2 68 56 24 45 4.11
Greene Charlie 3 3 59 47 39 26 5.03

Levinson Gerry 6 3 85 54 22 73 1.82
Halpin Jack 8 5 133 90 47 128 2.09
Frydryk 2 4 59 48 22 35 2.61
Staples Neil 4 7 59 48 22 35 3.71
Auger Tommy 3 5 63 76 17 30 5.28

Beaumire Ed 6 3 94 80 19 43 1.82
Ginty Chuck 10 3 122 73 82 115 1.92
Raboin Norm 1 2 30 47 11 12 4.50
Robinson Ray 4 5 94 107 52 38 4.78
Rudderham Jackie 3 8 80 90 42 37 5.51

Ferguson Philip(Skit) 1 0 6 2 2 4 1.50
Gordon Jack 4 3 62 47 16 28 2.06
Burns Mick 2 5 69 63 26 39 3.51
Caram Ray 5 5 104 109 36 50 3.55
Brown Jerry 3 3 62 62 27 25 3.77
Damon Ken 1 2 37 44 12 8 4.62
Johnson 3 3 58 78 42 23 6.19

Wingo Jim 3 3 56 42 22 22 2.09
Majek 4 5 86 85 34 37 3.03
Ray Gerald(Fats) 3 4 81 76 41 32 3.55
Wingo John 1 8 67 58 46 50 3.62
Quinn 1 4 35 58 29 18 7.41