1970 Basin League Game Reports      


(July 14)  Pierre and Mobridge each placed three players on the 1970 Rapid City Journal all-stars which meet the powerful Boulder, Colorado, Collegians Friday.

In a vote by players and managers, Cowboys won spots for first baseman Gerald Cardon, outfielder Ken Doria and third baseman Chris Cammack.  Second baseman Jim Corcoran, shortstop Greg Gromek and outfielder R.J. Englert represent Mobridge.  From Chamberlain, catcher Bill Steans and outfielder Dudley Mitchell.  The pitching staff includes Larry Ike, Mike Slade and Rusty Gerhardt of Sturgis, Pierre's Mike Caldwell and Mike Pazik, Barry Sbraigia of the Lakers and Bob Apodaca of Chamberlain.  Lary Cochell of Sturigs is the teams's manager.